Patricia McCalla Harden

Profile Updated: November 27, 2008
Patricia McCalla
Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing in:

Oakton Virginia


January 19th



Number of times married:


Number of years shortest or longest marriage/relationship:


Number of children:


Age of youngest child:


Number of grandchildren:



Clinical Social Worker/School Administrator

Number of occupations/jobs during your lifetime:

9 jobs in mental health and education

What is your greatest life achievement?

My Children/Family

Number of times moved since high school and where:

too many... Mass. N.Y. D.C. Maryland Virginia

Are you in touch with any of your H.S. buddies?


What is your best memory of high school?

Chorus and musicals

What is your worst memory of high school?

Getting lost in the maze of hallways

What are your hobbies or extra curricular interests (we didn't ask extra-marital)?

Reading, working out, spending time with friends

Additional Comments:

Would love to hear about classmates! Looks like many have not yet registered profiles. If there is any way I can help I'd be happy to. I'm currently taking the year off from full time work and have some extra time so I would love to help hunt for classmates etc.

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