Class Legacy Gift

The reunion planning committee, after discussion with school personnel, has decided to provide a legacy to the class of 2013 and to Fridley High School.  We have identified the money to be used for the following:

1.   Fridley High School Distinguished Alumni Award (to honor the achievements of distinguished alumni, which helps today’s students touch and experience the past and see possible pathways to brighter futures.)  Each year Fridley Public Schools host a Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner where Fridley High School graduates are honored under two categories: individually as Distinguished Alumni and collectively as a Circle of Excellence group honorees.  This year’s Awards  went to 12 well accomplished men and women individually. A Circle of Excellence Award went to five 1960’s Wrestling Champs, including our own Jim Anderson, and the 1967 State Wrestling Championship team.

2.   2013 Senior Class All Night Party

For us to be able to offer this legacy, depends on your generosity.  The fund has been set up and we have begun to receive donations, ranging from $10 to $150.  We are asking you to consider giving a donation to this effort.  If you are able to give, please send your donation to:

Dennis Bjorngjeld at 7735 162nd Av. NE, Forest Lake MN 55025, and make your check or payment to “Class of 1963-Legacy”


We would appreciate receiving your donations by May 1st.  


We are excited about the reunion and all of the support everyone is providing.  We are looking  forward to seeing everyone this summer.

Committee Members:

Jim & Sue Anderson, Dennis Bjorngjeld, Terry Bloom, Terry & Lorelei (Larson) Burtson, Barb (Kendrick) Carpenter, Bryan & Rita (Onermaa) Daniels, Rocky & Shari Dragos, Ted Dykowski, Curt Lawson, Wayne LeClair, Judy Peterson, Judith Stone
