Donald Smoot

Profile Updated: March 18, 2021
What year did you Graduate? 1956
Where have you lived and where do you live now? Power, MT USA
Married, divorced, single? married
Kids, Grandkids, Great Grandkids? Tell us about them: 3 Children, 8 Grandchildren, 9 Great grandchildren, one old dog Jack
Still working or retired? Highlights you want to share: retired
Do you have a blog or website you would like to share with your Classmates? no
Yes! Attending Reunion
What years did you attend FUHS?

1952 thru 1956

What Elementary School Did You Attend?

Yorba Linda Elementary

Tell us about your life and travels since FUHS:

Started Smoot Honey Co. with my father in 1960. We Moved to Montana in 1964 where we built our business up to include my brother Dennis , also a
FUHS grad. We ran 5,200 colonies. Producing on average 1/2 million lbs. of honey per year. We packed honey and pollinated local crops. I retired in
2008 after selling my business to my son Dan, Son-in-law Mark and Nephew
James. Who run the company still. A third generation company.
I am married to my with Ellen for fifty years.

Best FUHS School Memories:

I enjoyed being a member of the swim teams and playing water polo.
I had fun and enjoyed my years at FUHS.

Who Was Your Favorite Teacher?

Mrs Brunskill, geometry.