In Memory

George Williamson

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06/19/10 03:15 AM #1    

Marti Stricklin

Good ol "Country"!!  I can't believe we have lost him.  It was so sad to find out about it at the reunion too.  George was a gentle giant . . . giant to me anyway!  I told this story the other night at the reunion, but I just have to share it with those who were not able to attend.

On a rainy day, I was coming out of the AD wing from the middle door, in the courtyard.  George was coming out of the AD wing from the door closest to the GA wing.  We both wanted to take a short cut to get out of the rain.  We had a head on collision!  I landed flat on my rear, in a nice big puddle!  George kept trying to help me up . . . I was wet . . . he was wet . . . I kept slipping out of his hands!  Finally, after about the third attempt, I just told him to let me get up by my self!! 

When I saw George at our 20th Reunion, I told him this story.  He remembered it well, but he just looked at me and asked me, "Is THAT all you remember about me?!?!?!"

I know we all have a special memory of someone.  It is our memories that keep our friends and loved ones alive.  I am sure George will be missed by many.  Rest in peace, my friend.

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