Missing Classmates

Below is a list of classmates without an email address available through this website.  If you have an email address for someone, please click on there name and invite them to join.  If you have a mailing address for someone, please let me know and I will send them a postcard.


Julie Belcher
David Burgwaldt
Anthoni Camaioni
Dan Delaney
Jeff DiFazzio
Troy Ford
Catherine Graeser
Vicki Grosh
Anjali Hibbard (Venard)
B. J. Jens
Eric Johnson
Dawn Kwilosz
Andrew La Haye
Rose Lawrence
Adam Lebin
Andrew Mayer
John Miller
Dan O'Neill
Rich Quinlan
Deneen Rasmussen
Bryan Rempe
Beth Romer
Rome Spognardi
Beth Sumnski
Jennifer Wells
Eric White
Sue Wise (Dreutz)
Michael Zibrun
Jeremy Zollers