In Memory

Ken Shells

Ken Shells

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07/09/14 06:48 PM #1    

Chris Brown

Kenny was my best friend and my mom and dad always thought of him as a second son and my sisters thought of him as brother.  We had some great times in high school and it was Kenny that dragged me over to the Marine Corps recruiter and got me to sign up on the "buddy plan" with Ken Klinger.  We didn't stay together long in boot camp as I had an injury and ended up graduating months after him.  He got lucky and was stationed in Hawaii for his entire four year enlistment.  He played baseball and handed out sporting equipment for his entire time there.  He was a great baseball player in high school so I guess he earned that post.  We stayed in touch and when we both got out we picked up where we left off. I had gotten married while in the Corps and when my wife and I found out we were going to have a baby there was no doubt as to who would be the god father.  In June of 1969 about four days before my little baby girl was born Kenny was killed in an automobile accident.  Needless to say it was one of the worst days of my life. I will never forget Sue Konzal coming over to my sisters house and asking me if I had heard the news about the accident.  I think I cried more during that time than at any time in my life.  I think of him often and I have his wallet senior picture posted above my dresser.  I look at it always and think about the times we could have had.  It saddens me that he never got to know my children, as I know they would have loved him as their "Uncle" Kenny. 

Semper Fi!

07/10/14 08:54 AM #2    

John Begalke

I did not hang much with Kenny when we where in school but for years I have thought about him mainly because I spent some time with him and Chris just before his death. He had just gotten out of the Marines and I still had 10 month to go in the Army. I don't remember what Chris's status was. Both Kenny and I had bought new cars. I remember that the three of us did not talk about Vietnam but more about we would do the rest of our lives.  Who new.  Just a few months later and I was stationed at Ft Sill, I found out from my parents that Kenny had died in a car accident. Apparently he had just left Bill Keener's house and drove about 200 yards up Rt 534, toward Geneva on the Lake. He crossed the road and right into a tree. Every tine I would visit home and drive up to Eddies Grill I would see that tree with the scares in the bark and would think of him. I don't know if that tree is still there.
I hope I did not depress anyone with this, that is not the point. I just think we should share stories we may have about those that have gone. Kenny was a good...... no a great guy! Thank him for his service in your thoughts and prayers.


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