Sharon Scott Swinson

Profile Updated: April 14, 2010
Residing In: stow, OH USA
Spouse/Partner: Ed
Occupation: retired teacher
Children: Scott born 1976
Jamie born 1978

I taught elementary school for 36 years Now I am involved with organizing trips for the people in Stow.

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Sharon Scott Swinson has been added to In Memory.
Dec 03, 2022 at 4:31 PM
Dec 02, 2022 at 5:24 PM

Sharon....Sharie.....Sharelda.....I called her one of those names! Can't explain why, but I combined the names of Shelda and Charol, and got those! Sometimes I talked too fast (like Sharon) and those names came out! Sharon and I so understood what WE meant at all times! My friend is missed. We've been friends since before Kindergarden, as you all can say that. Chorus, band, church, MYF, Girls Scouts and Brownies, cards, eating Charlie's Chips at her house, parties, Chautauqua lake.......and probably more!

I know we all loved this red haired gal....she always was ready for fun! 
We have missed so many classmates....gone too's been a sad journey to remember them all. 
I think we had the closest knit class of all....all the years we had reunions, and always talking and enjoying everyone! So, Sharon ?? you, Susie and Doug are together.....having a good time.....loving each other....and your dad joining in.

I miss you so you with all my heart. Thank you for being my friend, making me laugh and loving me back. 
XXXX HUGS Lynette 

I know you are resting in peace with Susie, Doug and your daddy.....but y'all are having lots of fun, sharing hugs and kisses and memories??????????







Dec 02, 2022 at 5:24 PM

Sharon....Sharie.....Sharelda.....I called her one of those names! Can't explain why, but I combined the names of Shelda and Charol, and got those! Sometimes I talked too fast (like Sharon) and those names came out! Sharon and I so understood what WE meant at all times! My friend is missed. We've been friends since before Kindergarden, as you all can say that. Chorus, band, church, MYF, Girls Scouts and Brownies, cards, eating Charlie's Chips at her house, parties, Chautauqua lake.......and probably more!

I know we all loved this red haired gal....she always was ready for fun! 
We have missed so many classmates....gone too's been a sad journey to remember them all. 
I think we had the closest knit class of all....all the years we had reunions, and always talking and enjoying everyone! So, Sharon ?? you, Susie and Doug are together.....having a good time.....loving each other....and your dad joining in.

I miss you so you with all my heart. Thank you for being my friend, making me laugh and loving me back. 
XXXX HUGS Lynette 










Sharon Scott Swinson has been added to In Memory.
Dec 01, 2022 at 3:53 PM
May 23, 2022 at 4:33 AM
May 30, 2021 at 8:26 PM

Hi Sharon, A week late, my bad...but, Happy belated Birthday! I was looking forward to a reunion in August, but looks like I'll have to wait. Wanted to let U know I have an Aunt living in Stow at "The Landing of Stow" assisted living facility. She is a young 95 and pretty feisty! Her name is Ann Mack. Thought it is a co-incidence. Take care and celebrate your B.D. again for me. Frank

Sharon Scott Swinson has a birthday today. New comment added.
May 23, 2021 at 5:23 PM

Posted on: May 23, 2021 at 4:33 AM

May 23, 2019 at 4:35 AM
May 23, 2018 at 4:33 AM
May 23, 2017 at 11:57 AM

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sharon! I am so frustrated sitting here trying to post a photo to you on here! It just keeps taking me back to my profile! Happy week! Have a 7 day blast! XXO

May 23, 2017 at 4:33 AM
May 23, 2016 at 7:15 AM

Today is your big day so start it out with a celebratory breakfast and keep it going strong all day! At our age the party must go on all week! Enjoy!

May 23, 2016 at 4:33 AM
May 23, 2015 at 2:08 PM

Sharon: Happy Birthday TO YOU! Hope you have a great day and look forward to our Class Reunion in July/August. Your ole friend, Frank

May 23, 2015 at 4:34 AM
