Meeting Minutes

Here are the minutes from the meeting on January 12, 2009
- Rodney Cheek announced to the FFA Alumni members that Sheriff Terry Johnson bought a life-time membership.
- Terry Isley announced the Spring Fair possibility-he found an insurance carrier that would cover the mud-bog.  He also passed around a petition that would forbid a carnival company from having an event within sixty days of the county fair.
- Our name is in the hat for possibly working the concession stand at UNC-CH during a home basketball game.  The club participated in this event last year and it was very successful in raising money for the FFA.  It was a great experience as well.
- January 31st is the date set for the Alumni social at the Owens' uncle's house - directions were sent out earlier.  Please RSVP to by Thursday.
- Mr. Anders reported the utilities are beginning to be installed in the greenhouse..
- Please give Cheri White information to be included in our new website so she can begin the set-up.  There will be a $20 charge per year to keep the domain, but filing the name is free.  She will set up, but we need to designate an admininistrator.  Mr. Jones nominated Paige Almand, Mr. Anders seconded and we all agreed.  We need to submit a calendar of events for the website.  Once it's set up, the minutes will be posted there as well.
**********This years' banquet will be at Bellemont Methodist on May 21 or 28.  We are looking into having it catered this year.  Karen Oakley will check into reserving the building and Donna Sublett will check into Outback catering.***********
- Seniors are investigating possibilities for the guest speaker.  Ideas so far include Steve Troxler or Rhett Davis.
- Mike Owens brought up a suggestion for a community garage/yard sale or 4wheel drive mud bog as a back-up FUNdraiser.  We agreed to table this idea for a while.
- We discussed and agreed to change day of our meeting.  As Mr. Anders was recruiting, possible members had a standing conflict, SO, our next meeting is FEB. 10th.  Please mark your calendar.
- Hunter Safety try-outs are Saturday, Feb. 14th at the Wildlife Club.
- This years' FFA camp is tentatively scheduled for July 13th-18th. 
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Sublett