In Memory

Jeff Gustafson

"Gusto" passed away in November 2006 after a two year battle with cancer.   His family remains In our hearts, thoughts, and prayers.  He will always be fondly remembered by the GFC Class of 1989.


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01/22/09 10:04 AM #1    

Brenda McMenamy (McDonald)

Well said, I think of Jeff and his family often as his wife is a good friend of one of my friends in buffalo. I will never for get his smile, laugh or good hearted spirit at all times. Jeff you are truly missed by the GFC Class of '89.

03/10/09 10:51 PM #2    

Jennifer Ahlen (Carroll)

I remember hearing about Jeff's passing early last year and it felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. I couldn't believe that someone so full of life was suddenly gone. I have so many great memories of times we spent together-- most of them involved tons of fun and laughter. From going to his folks lake house to hockey games or just hanging out at home. He was always a blast to be with. Although I was truly sad at his death- I was so happy that he had done so much during his life that he loved. From getting married and having children to working in Parks and Rec and becoming Head Coach for the Hazen-Beulah Northstar Hockey Team. I couldn't help but smile when I learned that he used his passion for the game to help his once 1-26 team go to state multiple times. I will always remember Jeff for his love of the outdoors (especially hunting and fishing) and most of all-- how much he enjoyed spending time with his family. He will be very missed.

05/06/09 11:56 PM #3    

Sherry Terrian (Schiltz)

I was very sorry to hear about Jeff's passing he will be missed. My heart goes out to Jeff's family.

05/14/09 02:18 PM #4    

Carmen Geigle (Schaffer)

What a loss ~ My heart goes out to his family.

06/23/09 08:16 AM #5    

Dawn Moen (Speagle)

I am sorry to hear about Jeff's passing and my heart goes out to his family.

07/02/09 11:54 PM #6    

Cheri Slominski

It's still hard to this day to think that Jeff is gone. I have known Jeff and his family almost as long as I have known my own, probably before I could even walk. Grade school, jr. high, confirmation classes and high school, driving in his rancharo and his dad calling me toboggan. I loved his dimples, laugh, and his kind heart. I see his picture almost every day. He touched may lives and definatly put a mark on this world. I will always remember you.

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