In Memory

Clarke Johnson

Clarke passed away on 01-13-2007 at the age of 37 due to complications of Cystic Fibrosis.  He was residing in Tulsa, OK and is survived by his mother, father, two sisters and a brother, grandmother, and nieces and nephews.
Clarke's passing was one that was expected, but one not ready for. Many may not know that Clarke had CF. He did not tell many because he did not want others feeling sorry for him. He knew that his time with us was limited. So he lived life every minute. If he was not watching the Huskers or the Eagles you might find him fishing or something else. Clarke did have a double lung transplant about 1995-96. This did allow him a few more years with us. Clarke was truly my best friend. There is not a day that passes that I am not reminded of that. Mike Peterson.


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06/23/09 08:14 AM #1    

Dawn Moen (Speagle)

I am so shocked and sorry to hear this!
Clarke was always so nice, I am sure he
will be greatly missed by his family!

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