In Memory

Bruce Baar

Bruce Baar

My name is Melissa (Baar) Peters. My husband never got to meet my father or mother because they both passed before we met. So I am putting together some family history books to hand down to my children – his grandchildren to share. Being only 22 when he passed you never think to ask about your parents HS years or growing up. I'm sure I would have later on when I got older but God had other plans.  Now I am relying on internet or people who knew him for stories and pictures to save for myself and my kids.
Dad- Bruce, or Bru. Known for his smile, practically jokes, quick wit, mustache, deep voice and love for construction. My Dad died on April 27, 1993- liver failure. He married my Mom, Patricia Ford, April 26, 1964. Then my brother was born in January, 1965 but had some brain trauma and is now living at David’s House. I came along on October 31, 1969. I was his great pumpkin. 19 years later he and my mom divorced. Never remarried. He did have many knee problems which led to surgeries and later amputation of his leg above the knee. After that, he was somewhat depressed because he could not do what he loved most... construction. Odd jobs here and there yes but not enough.
However that didn’t seem to slow him down from his joking and keeping a smile whenever I saw him. You may also remember his older brothers, Roger and Gordon, older sister Ruth Ann and younger sister Nancy. Ruth Ann is the only one living and is beautiful as ever. She just celebrated her 71st birthday recently. I remember him showing me how to drive when I was 14/15 years old and it was through a cemetery. I asked him why here? He replied: “Because no one will get hurt.” Sounds like a typical response.  My HS graduation. June, 1987 from Wyoming Park. Instead of sitting in the stands, he decided to stand on the side. When I walked by to go up to get my diploma he yelled “Way to go Moofer”(his other nick name for me) and whistled too. I could not believe that happened. When the other guy classmates came up to give hugs he would say “That’s my daughter, she is all I got, and she is the best” in his deep voice. You could only imagine what the interview process was like when I dated.
So now I would love to read some stories that you may have about him, his friends, or pictures. Including any with the siblings too. I am attaching a picture I put up on my Facebook I do every year on his remembrance day. Picture on the left was about ‘;78, middle HS, right ‘90.  bottom maybe ‘89.  Thank you for helping me with this project.
Melissa (Baar) Peters

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05/10/12 10:13 AM #1    

Kenneth Hoexum

Dear Melissa


I knew your father as a warm friendly indiviual, he was always wearing a Bright Smile, and  I felt he was a very happy person.. He mixed well with his fellow classmates, and to the best of my knowledge he was an excellent student. The short time I knew your father I felt he enjoyed school and was a very positive person in everything he did.


I extend my sympathies to you and your family on your fathers passing in 1993, I never saw your father after we graduated from Christian High.


Warm regards;

Ken Hoexum

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