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Carolyn Veenstra Rockwood

Carolyn Veenstra
Residing In: Ontario, CA
Spouse/Partner: Richard (deceased)
Occupation (current & former): Teacher / Retired
Additional Children Information: I've been a widow since 1990 when my husband Richard died at age 52. My daughter Deb lives in San Francisco. More…She's married to Bill and they have a son named Evan.
# of Children:


# of Grandchildren:


Personal/family interests:

Since retiring, I'm enjoying traveling and catching up on my reading. I travel to San Francisco aften to visit with family. I enjoy visiting Las Vegas whenever possible.

Summary of personal history since graduation:

I moved to Ontario, CA after graduation. I was married in 1966 and have 1 daughter. I taught school for 38 years in the Ontario-Montclair School District and one year at Ontario Christian High. While I was teaching, I became active in the Ontario-Montclair Teachers Association (OMTA) and served as President of OMTA for seven years during my teaching career. I was also active for over 40 years and still am in Kappa Kappa Iota and served as local chapter president and the state president. I have become active in Delta Kappa Gamma and have served as president. I am also active in local and state politics. I am president of our local West End Democratic Club. I've been a delegate to the Democratic State Convention for 6+ years and delegate to the San Bernadino County Democratic Central Committee. I'm currently serving as the Parlimentarian to the Central Committee.

School Memories you would like to share:

My favorite times were singing in the choir, especially when we sang with many other choirs with the Grand Rapids Symphony. I also enjoyed being in the Senior Class Play.