25 Year Reunion



CLASS of 198825th Reunion

Saturday, September 28, 2013

5:45 PM - Midnight

The Alpine Country Club

10 W. Washington Street

Round Lake, IL  60073

$45 Per Person

DESCRIPTION: Come kick back in the cozy, charming surroundings of Alpine Country Club tucked away on a private, tree-lined, lakefront property on Round Lake.  Built in 1901 by Armour & Company, we're thrilled to say that we've got this gem of a place to ourselves to sit back and enjoy some light fare, beautiful views, rustic ambiance and good conversation.  We're going casual with this - no rush and no need to dress up.  Now, as casual and laid back as we are though, you won't want to be late because we are planning on a sunset champagne toast on the spectacular back porch, and as you might have guessed, we have to work with the sun on this one.  We hear the sunset view is the best around.  Light appetizer fare will follow, and we don't want you to miss that, either. 

ATTIRE: Another item we don't want you to miss, so we'll say it again...we're going casual.  Jeans and khakis are just fine.

REGISTRATION: Hey, if you are sure you are coming, register right away - it will help us get a handle on attendance and move forward with some of our other plans.  Pre-Registration will be required by Monday, September 9.  Tickets can be purchased BELOW.  We cannot guarantee the ability to accommodate late registrations or walk-ins.  And, sorry, no party crashers - this is a private party at a private club - there are corresponding costs beyond food and beverage, therefore everyone must pay to attend. 


5:45 - 6:15  PM  Check In

6:30 PM - ish  Sunset Champagne Toast on Alpine's Amazing Verandah

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM   Hot & Cold Appetizers, Buffet Style

8:00 PM - 11:30 PM Chips and Stuff

12:00 AM  Callin' it a Night


TICKET PRICE: $45.00 per person.  Price includes your attendance, light appetizer fare, coffee, fountain soda, water, champagne toast at approximately sunset time, a couple of fun surprises, and about six hours of time to kick back and relax and enjoy reconnecting with everyone.  To keep registration costs down, we will not be serving a full meal, and all alcohol (aside from the champagne toast) and other beverages aside from the aforementioned will be handled as a cash bar. 


ACCOMMODATIONS: A very limited number of overnight accommodations are available on-site for a fee of approximately $45 per room (not inclusive of linens).  Guests must provide own sheets and towels; alternatively, with advance notice, for an additional $25 linens can be rented. Note that rooms are quaintly rustic (i.e. decor is in need of updating).  Bathrooms are shared, dormitory style.  NO FOOD, DRINKS OR UNREGISTERED GUESTS PERMITTED IN ROOMS. All that said, the rooms have an air of nostalgia, and you can't beat the convenience factor.  Rooms sleep between 4-6.    Please note that a MINIMUM of approximately 10 rooms must be reserved from our group for reservations to be held.  Reservations must be made no later than September 9.  Please contact Alpine directly at (847) 546-4544 with room questions or to make lodging reservations; Alpine will require payment in the form of a check, and that your payment arrives prior to the event to honor your reservation.


ROAD CONSTRUCTION IN FRONT OF ALPINE: Note that construction is set to begin on Washington Street on September 17 and involves partial road closure on Washington Street.  Check the FAQs and Reunion Location portions of this site for updates.

25 Year Reunion (Saturday September 28 2013)

Pre-registration and payment required by September 9. Late registrations and walk ins cannot be guaranteed accommodation. No party crashers - all attendees are required to register and pay the fee.
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Ticket $45.00