In Memory

Stormy Gayle Sparks

Stormy Gayle Sparks

Stormy Sparks passed away on August 4, 2019.  She is believed to have been living in Elkin, NC at that time.  Currently, we are searching for an obituary.

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09/10/19 01:26 PM #1    

Lori Clewis (Eaton)

I am so sad to hear of Stormy's passing!  We first met at General Greene Elemenary School. May she rest in peace.  

09/10/19 06:18 PM #2    

Lynn Moore (Gordon)

We grew up together: out here in the “country”, Stormy, Laura Wimish , Hayden Hartmann,  Patty Bridges, Terry McFetters and Suzanne Wells.  In Scouts together.   Stormy’s parents and my parents were friends; so, we began playing at preschool ages.  She helped teach me how to ride on her horse.  Lots of fun!   I’m so sad we cannot visit once again at our reunion 

09/11/19 12:24 PM #3    

Diane Dix (Stallings)

I remember Stormy, also. General Greene Elementary, Brownies, etc. A friend of mind from Grimsley had told me she wasn't doing well. Always so hard to hear of one of us passing! RIP, Stormy!

09/13/19 09:07 PM #4    

Suzanne Wells (Whitley)

Loved Stormy, too. We always had a great time at our houses. Melanie, one of her sisters, is a friend and we all played, growing up, as Lynn says in the countryside. Mother loved her, too. We were all in our wonderful scout troop. I wish I could see her at our reunion. 

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