In Memory

Sally Dianne Hillhouse

Cause of Death: pregnant...complications

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04/03/09 11:45 AM #1    

Deborah Marie Beckman (Aultman)

sally was a kind, quiet, loving person. she deserved to see that baby...but God had other plans. i don't remember her married name. she had divorced lawson smith and married another...they came to the reunion... 20 or 30...i can't remember...she was pregnant, but was not telling anyone...unfortunately this happened within 7 or 8 months after that reunion. you are missed by many, sally.

05/10/09 08:08 PM #2    

Hugh Robert Singleton

I saw Sally at the 20 reunion. She looked great and she told me everything in her life was getting ready to change and life was good. I didn't know she passed away until reading it on this web page. She was a great girl and a real lady. I agree she should have seen that baby. God sometimes works in strange ways, but there is always a reason for his actions.

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