Not a member?
Find and click on your name.


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 56.6%

A:   86   Joined
B:   66   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

The 50th Reunion was a great success!

Thanks to the Class of 1963!

How to Upload Photos to Classmate Profile

  1. Save picture to a file on computer.
  2. Go to website.
  3. Scroll down to Member Functions.
  4. Click on Edit/Upload Photos
  5. Click Upload new photo.
  6. Click on Browse (top right).
  7. Choose photo and click Open.
  8. Allow time to upload photo.
  9. Click on Save Changes (bottom right).
  10. Click on OK.
  11. Return to profile and view.


If you know the email address for any classmate you may fill in the email to the lower right under MISSING CLASSMATES and send an invitation to our site.                     

When logging in, find your name under "WHERE ARE THEY NOW" and click. You will be given directions for entering your personal data. You may update your data at any time. If you forget your password contact the administrator and you will be given another one. Your passwords are not known by anyone else but we can choose a new one.

Mass mailings to classmates will be done by the administrator. There will be no politics or controversial topics sent out. If you have important information that you think the classmates should know, send that information to the administrator. The language and comments on our website will be acceptable for our parents (most of whom aren't with us any more), our children, our grandchildren,  and our teachers to read. Please report any problems with our site. I am a novice at this but will try to correct any problems.


Brenda Hall Teppig


