10 Year Reunion


OK.....Here is the good and the bad news.  The bad news is that we don't have enough people to have the reunion at Overlook Grill.  We can't meet the required minimum to have it at this location!  With that being said I have gone back to the drawing board.  After speaking with many of you I think that we would rather still have the reunion and switch locations.  We have chosen Pebble Creek Country Club instead.  With this being said....if there is anyone that feels they don't want to attend then I will refund your ticket. Please send me an email at Rshiebeck@gmail.com and let me know if you still want to attend and also include your contact information.  I would like to be able to reach out to each of you and know if there is anything you would like to contribute such as photos, or ideas for the reunion.  We will have the country club from 6-10 so they time is still the same.  I am glad for any feedback and want to know what you all think so please feel free to contact me.  I hope you are all still excited about this...it is going to be a fun night.  

Excited to see you there,

Rachel Shiebeck




WHHS 10th Year Reunion (Saturday August 18 2012)

$45.00 per person
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Class of 02' Reunion ticket $45.00