Green Witch - Spring 58 (NEW)

Green Witch - Spring 1958

The Green Witch was a twice yearly literary publication created by the students of GHS. 

The Editorial Staff for the Spring 1958 issue consisted of:

Betty Sue Collins (Efitor-in-Chief)

Jerry Welty (Assistant Editor)

Gail Strevell (Featrue Editor)

Mary Lou Boles (Art Editor)

Carolyn Smith (Poetry Editor)

Diane Sullivan (Assistant Poetry Editor)

Lydia Fakundiny, Sharon Gear (Exchange Editors)

Judi Swenson (Picture Editor)

Click here to see pieces written by the members of the Class of 1958 for the Spring 1958 issue - the last issue before our class graduated.

Authors in this issue include: Betty Sue Collins, Jerry Welty, Don Adams, Patti Limitone, Carolyn Smith, Wilda Harrison, Will Shakespeare, Eric Prokosch, Cynthia Sondern, Virginia Kohlman,Jim Houston, Ann Friend, Sharon Gear, and Rosemarie Carbino.