Tammy Vinci Holland

Profile Updated: December 29, 2008
Residing In: Fort Loramie, OH USA
Spouse/Partner: George
Occupation: stay at home mom
Children: Brittany born dec. 21, 1988 Jon born Nov. 16, 1990 and Riley born May 28,1997
Yes! Attending Reunion

I moved to Sidney, Ohio in the middle of our freshman year. After graduating from there, I got married and had my daughter Brittany in Dec. 88. She graduated from Fort Loramie ( a really small town, where we now live ) in 2007. My next oldest Jon graduates this year, and My youngest Riley is 11 and he is in 5th grade. They have all been very active in sports, Britt and Jon qualifying for state in cross country. Riley plays baseball. Keeping up with their schedules keeps us really busy, but we love it!

School Story:

Although I didn't graduate with all of you. I would have if I hadn't moved. I would love to hear from anyone that remembers me

Where do you live now?


Where do you want to live?

someplace warm, hate ohio winters!

What was your first job out of school?

cashier in a grocery store

Step back to 1988, what did you think you'd be doing in 2008?

married with kids

Where have you traveled?

Just in the U.S.

Where do you wish to travel?


How old do you feel?


Any nicknames now?


Ever used a dating service?


Any HS crushes to confess?


Have you had any "Aha" moments in life?


Share you're "Aha" moment or any other words of wisdom...

I realized what my purpose was when I had my children.

Have you recently colored with crayons/markets, ect.?


Ever laughed until your beverage came out your nose?


Ever written a letter to Santa Claus?


Ever told a child there was no such thing as Santa Claus?


Ever been skinny dipping outdoors?


Ever been loved?


Ever have a broken heart?


Ever broke someones heart?


Ever had to move back in with your folks after HS?


Ever tell a friend their spouse was cheating?


Would you tell a friend if their spouse was cheating?


Favorite beverage?

coke, and windsor and coke the times we go out

Any body piercings?


Any tattoos?


Favorite Movie?

stepmom, grease, and a walk to remember

Favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving because we go to Indiana

How do you relax?


Would you change anything about yourself? what?

I am still shy

Which classmate's profile was most revealing?

they all were

Best sound in the world?

My kids laughing, they are my world

If single, are you interested in dating fellow classmate?

not single

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Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
My kids Jon and Britt at Homecoming.
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
My son Riley and I decorating our Christmas tree.
