In Memory

Carroll Culbertson

Carroll Culbertson

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05/07/23 12:09 PM #1    

Gary Parker

Since I just saw Carroll at the 50th reunion and he seemed so vibrant, it's tough to hear of his passing. At the reunion, he enjoyed re-living some soccer memories from the first championship that Greenwood Soccer won while we played together and I'm glad we had time to do that. Grace and peace to his family.

05/08/23 08:57 AM #2    

Mike Webber

At the end of my Freshman year at Clemson I had a 1.0 GPA. So I had to go to Summer School to keep my scholarship. So I took Cub back with me and asked Colonel Robbins, the Athletic Academic Advisor, if I could room with him during Summer School to keep my mind on grades. Colonel Robbins told me he didn't care who I roomed with as long as I made 2 A's and 2 B's. Cub and I had a great time that Summer and he helped me stay in school. Great memories of a Great Guy!! He will surely be missed!

05/08/23 09:03 AM #3    

Joyce Edwards (Brown)

Carroll always had a smile on his face and was kind to all. He will be missed. Good man!

05/09/23 12:03 PM #4    

Charles Steer

Carroll roomed with Andy Erneston in C Block our freshman year.  Phil Parker & Ken Burkhart lived right down the hall.  Cub & Phil loved to wrestle--they were both strong & muscular.  Cub got Phil in a headlock & Phil went charging trying to loosen his grip.  Phil's head hit that metal wall of Johnstone & I swear there had to be a dent there till they tore it down!  Didn't know about Cub's passion for agriculture till many years later in our careers.  Can't believe he is gone & we'll never get  that infectious smile again.  Rest in peace, Cub!

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