Kenny is sorely missed by many of us. I will always remember how happy he made my friend Tricia and the great times we all had together. Funny it was so long ago, and yet I remember it like it was yesterday. Rest in peace my friend. Both of you.
I sat next to Ken in homeroom, plus he was in my gym class. I could be mistaken, but I believe Kenny spelled his last name with a T. I'm pretty sure it was JohnsTon... Like you (and others) I was saddened too by his passing. It was a depressing time, sitting next to his empty desk as we finished out that school year...
Hi Steve and Jeanne: I too, remember Ken well and what a shock that was to all of us. 10 years later, I was bowling at Town and Country and telling one of our fellow bowlers about him. She worked with my husband and we were reminiscing about Guilderland memories and she stated she was Ken's older sister. She was surprised that I remembered him. That is a vivid childhood memory for me. Cathy
We have been without Kenny for so many years, but through out my life he has come up in conversation one way or the other. Your always in our thoughts .
I remember the day at school when we learned of Kenny's death vividly. Although we did not have many classes together, he always said hi to everyone and that great smile of his could light up a room. What a loss for his family and friends.
Jeanne Valek (Healy) (1967)
Kenny is sorely missed by many of us. I will always remember how happy he made my friend Tricia and the great times we all had together. Funny it was so long ago, and yet I remember it like it was yesterday. Rest in peace my friend. Both of you.
Stephen Hall (1968)
Hi Jeanne,
I sat next to Ken in homeroom, plus he was in my gym class. I could be mistaken, but I believe Kenny spelled his last name with a T. I'm pretty sure it was JohnsTon... Like you (and others) I was saddened too by his passing. It was a depressing time, sitting next to his empty desk as we finished out that school year...
Steve Hall....
Cathy Moshier (Hasbrouck) (1968)
Hi Steve and Jeanne: I too, remember Ken well and what a shock that was to all of us. 10 years later, I was bowling at Town and Country and telling one of our fellow bowlers about him. She worked with my husband and we were reminiscing about Guilderland memories and she stated she was Ken's older sister. She was surprised that I remembered him. That is a vivid childhood memory for me. Cathy
Susan Friebel (1968)
We have been without Kenny for so many years, but through out my life he has come up in conversation one way or the other. Your always in our thoughts .
Katharine Seim (Mokhiber) (1968)
I remember the day at school when we learned of Kenny's death vividly. Although we did not have many classes together, he always said hi to everyone and that great smile of his could light up a room. What a loss for his family and friends.