
Can you believe it's been 15 years now? CRAZY!

Class of '98 & '99 will be joining forces for a day of fun!
Here are the KC Classes of '98 & '99 Reunion Plans thus far:

Date: July 20, 2013
Location: Hallock, MN

1. Family event - Gilbert Park, Hallock, MN (park by pool)

Time: Noon-ish until 2:00 p.m.
Invited: Spouses, significant others, children and/or friends and family welcome

Activities: At your own expense, you may go golfing, swimming, play in the park, sun bathe, watch the Canadians, play kickball, play volleyball, etc. There's no set schedule, other than supper.
Golf: For those of you who wish to golf, I'll try and find out if there is a scramble going on at the Two River Golf Course; otherwise Lancaster may be an option later that afternoon.
Lunch: 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. at park (potluck) -- at shelter hut.
Please sign-up to help bring something - View the POTLUCK SIGN-UP

2. Adult event - Kittson County Fair
Time: 9:00 p.m. until sun comes up
Invited: Spouses, significant others, and/or friends and family welcome

Activity: Music, dancing, drinks, etc.
Cost: OYO


The day is still a work in progress, looking for any input.
I'll schedule more items if interested.

Other ideas:

- Create a float and participate in the parade (Saturday AM - starts at 11:00 am)
- Tour of the HS - I know it's probably not the most fun, but it's changed a lot since we were there 
- Getting together prior to the Fair Dance - At the V in Kennedy, Golf Course, Carribou, Classmate's House/Shed/Etc. Supper event somewhere.


I know it's Hallock's All School Reunion, so we kept things very flexible. Hope you can make it. If you have any questions please shoot me an email.

Until then, keep checking the website for any updates.
Have a good one.
Jaci (Urbaniak) Satterlund