In Memory

Wanda Storm

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07/14/14 01:33 AM #1    

Jay Thompson (Thompson)

In 1980 I was teaching geometry at Haltom High, and one of my students said that I went to school with her mother and her aunt.  Wanda was the mother of Sheryl Dean and brother Ricky Dean.  Sherly was as beautiful and her mom and extremely smart!  I still keep in touch with Sheryl.  I know Wanda was so proud of her family.

07/14/14 04:55 PM #2    

Connie Gaither (Owensby)

Wanda was one of the sweetest friends I ever had. She never said a bad word about anyone. I know her family misses her greatly. She was a beautiful person.

07/14/14 11:08 PM #3    

Billy Arnold

All I knew about this girl was that she was absolutely beatiful and I was too shy to approach her.  I remember we always spoke and I always never understood how she could be so beautiful and not be more popular.  One of the mysteries of our class, she could just never get in the "in" group consequently she was never able to show her real personality. So beautiful, life can be unfair to some people sometimes.


07/24/14 06:46 PM #4    

Billy Arnold

Beautiful, I am sorry Wanda, I don't proofread, sorry.


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