In Memory

Douglas Nobles

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07/11/14 05:37 PM #1    

Pat Minnick

Doug Nobles died March 2010.

07/14/14 01:09 AM #2    

Jay Thompson (Thompson)

Doug was in my 8th grade classes; our homeroom section 8-12 was more commonly referred to as Hagmann's Hoodlums.  Some said it was the sweetest bunch of girls and the crudest bunch of boys.  Actually we were just at that in-between age of 8th grade...not scaired as a 7th grader and not leaders like 9th graders; some might call it the no mans land of our teens.

Doug was always mischievious.  To go from fourth period in the 9th grade hall to the 8th grade hall for math with Mrs. Ruether, we would take the shortcut by going outside.  It was here that we got mud on our shoes.  Doug & James McLester discovered they could use their rulers to get the mud off and then use the ruler as a 'launch' for sticking the mud to the ceiling; what a mess!

Mrs. Ruether was out the fifth six weeks having surgery, so we had Mr. RO Smoot as our math teacher.  When Mrs. Ruether returned we were somewhat glad.  The first day back Doug was sitting in his required seat at the front of the room.  He started talking to Mrs. Ruether about the droopy...when she cut him down telling him and the class that there was nothing she could do; that she had breast surgery and how unkind he was.  When she finally stopped chewing on Doug, he replied 'Mrs. Ruether I ws just going to say you had a floopy flower on your desk.  Everyone looked and sure enough there was a single yellow flower that had  drooped from lack of water.  Mrs. Ruether looked at the droopy flower, and then looked at Doug; and then she started laughing and the whole class laughed.  We had a great time in that class the rest of the year!

Doug and I stayed in contact over the years.  He worked at C & S music and then Mr. E's for his entire career.  I would stop by sometime at the store just to visit.  Most did not know Doug was a musical genius.  Any song he heard he could play.... he never learned to read music even though he played in the HHS band.  Mr. E's had a performance room and we would go in and Doug would play whatever I asked.  He was so talented.  Doug attended most of our reunions and always had a good time.

07/15/14 04:56 PM #3    

David Dickson

Doug and I went 2nd thru 12th together as best friends. His parents were strict Assembly of God and didn't believe in TV, makeup, dancing, etc. and Doug would come to my house to watch TV since they didn't have one at home. He was also an outstanding piano player, be it gospel or a mean sounding honky tonk. I'm sure he's got them dancing on the other side. Peace my friend.

07/31/14 11:16 AM #4    

Billy Arnold

Douglas, I can see him now, neat guy, didn't really know him that well but always seemed to be quiet, remember his glasses and his kinda cowboy look,   Douglas use to hang around the gym and shoot baskets.  I liked him, good guy, but I never knew he was such a music genius.  Sad that we, or at least me, was too caught up in my own world that I didn't realize his great musical talent.

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