In Memory

Tommy Daugherty

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12/07/14 05:01 AM #1    

Steve Keene

Was so sorry to hear of the passing of Tommy, after high school I lost touch with Tommy, but he was a good friend and a pretty good football player. RIP my friend.

12/08/14 01:22 PM #2    

Jim Angle

I knew Tommy very well. Our parents sometimes hung out together and so the boys did too. And I later mowed yards on an FHA contract his Dad had. Tommy was a good guy and I am so sorry to hear of his passing. I hadn't seen him in a long time and regret that. My blessings to his family. I hope that our memories of him are a comfort.


Jim Angle

12/09/14 04:53 PM #3    

Judy Smith (Johnson)

Don't tell anyone, but Tommy was my first real crush - 9th grade, Haltom Jr. High, the cutest boy in Mr. Hays' science class. One day during class he asked if he could talk to me after class. I just knew he was going to ask me out (and my mother has said we would talk about me dating when someone asked me). As it happened, he wanted to know if I would go out with one of his friends (& it would be a group of kids, not just one-on-one dating). I did go - I think there were 8 of us in one car. I was mortified when they decided to egg & TP houses. I was certain we would all be in jail by the end of the night. The boys (mostly) had great fun! I'm so sorry to hear of his passing, he was a wonderful young man, full of life!


12/09/14 09:16 PM #4    

Jay Thompson (Thompson)

Tommy was really a great guy; all the girls liked him, and well, he was also a favorite of the guys too.  Tommy was our backup quarterback; and from what I have observed while coaching was that most backup quarterbacks, or their dads, always tought they should have been starting.  I never heard heard any complaining from Tommy; he was always content to be a team member with the rest of the guys.  Against the mighty Wichita Falls Coyotes, Eddie Driggers was injured and Tommy came in to replace him.  Tommy threw the most perfect pass to Charlie Wacasey who had slipped behind their safety.  I'll never forget the excitement as we trailed the coyotes by less than a touchdown.  Tommy gave hope and he was always giving others hope.

I can also remember when he got the first Mustang for graduation from his parents.  Ray and I visited with Tommy last year and we all talked about the car. Please keep Susan (Smith) Daughtery and family in your prayers.

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