Welcome to the Weaver High Class Of 1981 web site. Stay tuned for reunion updates...
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Hey Beaver C/O '81 Family.... 
I hope all is well....it has been a long time since I last logged on here....So....i'm gonna start the conversation.
We have a new milestone coming and is not too far out....:
(1981 - 2021)
I'm ready for another Reunion....who with me...?
Calling my committee members, and anyone else interested in getting in on the planning....
Hit me up and I'll start making calls....and we can get to planning...
You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.
1) |
* Are you considering attending our 40th reunion in 2021?
2) |
If you answered Probably, What would make you more likely to attend our 40th reunion? (Select all that apply)
3) |
If you answered No, Why won't you be attending our 40th reunion? (Select all that apply)
4) |
* Whom will you likely be bringing with you to reunion?
5) |
* Which of the following best describes how you would like your reunion experience to be? Select one.
6) |
* What type of Reunion would you be interested in? (Select all that apply)
7) |
* Would you be interested in being on the Reunion Planning Committee?
8) |
* Contact Info: Name, email address, Phone Number, Address
9) |
What was your Nickname in High School?