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Post-reunion survey

Now that our 50th reunion is history - time for some reflection.  

What was great, what could have been improved?

What could we have done without? 

What would you suggest adding for 55 and beyond?  

Did the pricing fit within your budget?  Was what you got worth the price?

Have particular venues you'd like to suggest for future reunions?  Feel free to include comments on the Bala Golf Club -- in particular, whether you think this would be a good venue for 55, given your experience at 50.

Please take a few moments to answer and to add any comments you care to: we just want to make 55 as uplifting and fulfilling as 50, if not more so.  If you couldn't make it to 50 but would like to include your twopence on any of the above, please do. The specific questions below are suggestive  -- more valuable insights may well come from answers to questions not asked -- so please be as expansive and ranging as your care to be. Feel free to supplement with ancillary emails to me or us.

Thanks for helping to make 50 what it was and what 55 can be.

Mike and Ted

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   The timing of the reunion was:

2)   The various activities during the weekend were:

3)   I wish "X" could have been planned:

Such as something on Sunday.
4)   The Saturday night venue was:

5)   The cost for the Saturday night reunion was:

6)   The food served was:

7)   The DJ/Music was:

8)   The communications about the reunion were:

9)   Our next event should be:

time frame or idea for an event.
10)   The golf outing went well and is worth repeating...yes?

11)   The High School tour: what was good, what not so good?

12)   Friday night [this time at Judy Wagner Sherry's home]: perfect as is? Embellish with....?

13)   Let's get together again:

Do we have to wait until 55?