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When should we have our next reunion?

  2022 - 35 Year High School Reunion
  2027 - 40 Year High School Reunion


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


•   Jonathan Schweitzer  6/27
•   Tina Williams (Ritzman)  10/16
•   Bethann Bonacci  10/15
•   Kelly O'Donnell (Dobson)  4/28
•   Michael Manfredi  4/9
•   Patricia Trovitch (Palladino)  7/3
•   Mary Miedaner (Bryant)  6/29
•   Tammy Marusak  6/13
•   John Osif  7/24
•   Vincent Maddon  11/22
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
2 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
3 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Kentucky
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Jersey
2 live in New York
2 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Oregon
56 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Australia
25 location unknown


•   Paul Komishock, Jr.  7/30
•   George Smolinsky  8/4
•   Denise Salazer (Parise)  8/5
•   Mary Jo Kalinovich (Black)  8/8
•   Christopher Bereznak  8/11
•   Leah Parosky (Metzler)  8/11
•   Karen Konapelsky (Berry)  8/15
•   Frank Deom  8/23

Bishop Hafey High School
Class Of 1987

W E L C O M E !!!

 Hello Everyone.
As always I hope ALL is well with you and yours!
Eagerly looking forward to looking back in 2022!!!
Keep your eyes open for those classmates who are still listed as “missing” and pass on the website & reunion info. 
Please retake the reunion interest survey, Pop Quiz .  The questions are to determine how interested you all are in gathering for the next reunion.  Existing answers are not carved in stone and can also be updated.  This is the best way to gauge what the majority prefers.
Don't be shy,  P L E A S E   take for the first time or update your survey answers!!!! 
Please Note: No one can fail this Pop Quiz!

"Vintage" Poll Results

  • If you've got an idea for a poll, let me know.  I get it posted!

 Create your account by clicking on classmate profiles. Click on your name and the rest is up to you.   

Email notifications from this web site:  For those of you with spam blocking or email filtering capabilities, please add to your email account as a safe sender in order to receive email communication from this web site.
 Take the The Questionnaire and then check out the “Live” survey results.

 IF YOUR NAME IS NOT CURRENLY LISTED UNDER CLASSMATE PROFILES please send me an email and I will get it updated so you can gain access to the website.  It's possible that I misspelled a name or that all graduate photos and information did not make it into the yearbook; So if you are missing from the list, or I spelled your name incorrectly . . . just drop me a note and I will get you added.  Site Administrator: Mary Miedaner Bryant:

When you provide your current contact information, you will not be added to any kind of "junk" e-mailing list. The only time you may be sent an email, from this site, is when there is updated, "class-reunion-relevant" and time sensitive information you may need.  Please do check back now and then! 


SPREAD the WORD – If you know the email address of a missing classmate; Enter it on the right and an invitation from will automatically be generated and sent out to our "lost" classmate inviting them to check it out.

Memory section - The unfortunate task of putting together this site is learning of those classmates that are no longer with us.  I really would like to honor them.  Right now some of the information is difficult to locate.   If you have (or know of anyone who does have) the information or pictures, get them to me, and I'll get it posted on the site.

Unlike some of the other reunion sites this site is FREE!  If having to pay a monthly fee doesn't completely kill participation, it certainly keeps site activity way down.  You also have "editorial control" over how much of your contact information "the public (a.k.a. the world wide web") can view. So, Go ahead and register; and don't forget to take  "The Pop Quiz."


Need a copy of your High School TRANSCRIPT:

POC: Mary Donati 1-570-455-9433 (Monday, Tuesday & Thurdays)

Holy Family Academy, 601 North Laurel Street, Hazleton, PA 18201

$5.00 per Transcript. In order for a transcript to be OFFICIAL, they must be sent directly from institution to institution.

Use this site to let everyone know what you’re up to by posting an announcement. Some announcement suggestions:
  • Let everyone know when you’ll be in town, this is an excellent way to improve your chances of seeing a familiar face
  • Announce that you’ve started your own business
  • You’re getting married for the first time or the tenth
  • Announce that your single again
  • Your having a baby, You’ve had a baby, or your going to be a grandparent
Don’t have easy/convenient access to a computer? No Problem! 
Please feel free to mail (via "pony express") your contact information to my PO Box, in addition to anything else you may want posted on this website.  I would be happy to post it for you!
Mary Bryant
PO Box 13
Glenville, PA  17329
Please Note:  Anything mailed to me via pony express will be returned as soon as possible the same way.  If you call, don't hesitate to leave a message.