2014 - This was a reply to an email I received from a friend of my sister. We went to junior high school (the Desert Sun School) in Idyllwild together. I have not seen her since. She contacted me through this web site! I wrote the following in Aug 2010.
Thanks for the shout on the web site. I didn't know non-members could get in and email us, but I don't have my profile locked up, and for exactly this reason. My sister Nancy created a profile on the Hemet63 web site but I can't read it without asking for a "guest" login.
I would love to hear the answers to the same question I want to ask everyone at the Hemet64 web site - WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING FOR THE LAST 46 YEARS? In your case maybe you should go back to 1959 because I have no recollection of you after Idyllwild. Did you go to Hemet High? - or Desert Sun? When we moved "down the hill" in the summer of 1960 the Desert Sun community ceased to exist for us.
Well - to briefly answer the same question for myself - I have been promising myself, for a year now, to write an extensive MY LIFE profile for but have not yet gotten around to it. I have avoided social networking so far. I sometimes think I am the last person left in America that does not have a FACEBOOK profile. Briefly ...............
MOM: Mom still lives in Hemet, on Campus Way, in the house my dad built in 1962. Forty-Eight years under one roof - so far. She still drives herself to church every Sunday and Wednesday. Her "mobility" isn't great but she can still get around the house and to the garage. She makes great use of her "handicapped sticker". She has a computer and we go, once a month, to the Hemet Senior Computer Club meeting in Valle Vista. I am sure she would love to get an email from you. I am, at this moment, writing this on her computer at her house. Dad passed away in 2008. I am grateful she can still live independently, she loves this house.
NANCY: Nancy moved out as soon as she finished at Hemet High and has never lived in Hemet since. She and Mom are - such different people. She started college at CalStateFullerton and finally finished, perhaps 10 years later, at LongBeachState with a degree in Fine Arts. She now has a lovely home on 66th street in Los Angeles near the Baldwin Hills. She has been with husband number 3 (Joe Contti) for 30 years now. No children. Her career life has always consisted of "responsible office work". At one time I think her title was "legal secretary". She now works in downtown LA for the URS Corp (civil engineers) and I think her title is "project manager". 2014 - NANCY IS NOW RETIRED.
ME: I started college at CalStateFullerton in 1964 and, after time there, and Mt. San Jacinto college (AA 1968), and 4yrs in the army, I finally finished up at CalStateSanBernardino in 1976. In 1974 I married a Banning girl (Bettie) I met at CalStateSB. We have been separated since 1986. She lives in Devore with my older son, Damon. He is 33 now and never married. My younger son, Lyle, is 29 and lives with me in Riverside, but I hardly ever see him. He is divorced and has a 6 yr old daughter. He works as a computer tech in Riverside. Career - during college I was working for the Press-Enterprise newspaper in a fun low-paid, non-career position driving a newspaper truck. After I finished at CalState I started in their I.T. dept - back then it was called "data processing" - as a computer operator and, after a few years, I became a programmer/analyst. It was a wonderful job, I was treated as a professional, it made me feel VERY important - everything but money. But times change, hometown newspapers sell out to big newspaper holding companies, new managers come in, I.T. gets "outsourced" by 1995 it was time to leave. I loved my 9 months "between careers". I wish I had done something "grand" like hike the AP trail or bicycle across the United States. I look forward to being retired. In 1996 I found a job as a "keyer" for the US Postal Service. (Touch typing is THE most useful class I have ever taken.) In 1998, I transferred to the Postal Sectional Center in Redlands. All the mail for Riverside and San Bernardino counties goes there. I now feed a letter sorting machine from 9:30pm to 6am five nights a week. It is boring, fast paced, assembly-line type work. I hate it. It is also union and pays much better than being a "computer professional" ever did. In a few years I can retire - maybe sooner, the Post Office is losing money and trying to downsize.
Well, perhaps this will be a good template for my LIFE STORY on As a shift worker it seems like my life consists of only going to work or going to sleep. In between I sit, like a vegetable, in front of my laptop on the kitchen table and watch Hulu until its "time to take a nap", usually about 5 min.
my best regards - Bruce Jones
2014 - Times change. Moms gone and I am now retired. I spend more time at Mom's house than I do at my house in Riverside. my best regards to all - Bruce