Daniel Zwickel
Daniel's Latest Interactions
Hey Dennis! Remember me? I played "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on the violin in my Sophomore Class Variety Show and went on to become a professional musician, singing and playing guitar for a living for 35 years. I also went to SDS and had my first professional gig at the Staff NCO Club at the MCRD. Like you, I gravitated to the SF Bay Area and have been living there since 1971. Since I'll probably forget, Happy Birthday in a week! Mine was last Sunday, along with Elvis, David "Major Tom" Bowie and Stephen Hawking. If you're interested in my music, you can listen at: http://www.missatikkunolam.com/ Peace, bro'..
Happy birthday! I trust you're enjoying clear skies there, free of smoke (I've friends with a home in Lake Tahoe, where the current AQI is 398). I hope you are safe and healthy and envying life there. I don't know if you recall my playing my violin for the Sophomore Class Variety Show. I went on to sing and play guitar for a living, but am now enjoying playing jazz on my fiddle. Be well! --Daniel
I'm so sorry to learn of Bruce's passing. What a tremendous life of service to humanity! I really wish we had kept in touch. Shalom uvracha to his brother John, and all of his family and friends.
It would have surprised him to know that I composed a mass, as cantor in a Catholic church for sixteen years. Whar I hoped it would have pleased him is what it morphed into. I share it with you in memory of a righteous man.