Daniel Zwickel

Profile Updated: January 10, 2021
Daniel Zwickel
Residing In: Vallejo, CA USA
Homepage: http://www.danielbenavram.com/
Occupation: Musician (singer-guitarist), web designer, book editor, semi-retired, play jazz violin
Military Service: Conscientious objector  
Yes! Attending Reunion

From three-and-a-half years at San Diego State (Mr. Taylor's alma mater), first as a Spanish major, then voice, I became a professional musician (singer/guitarist as Daniel ben Avram) did my service as a conscientious objector, moved to the Bay Area and now live in Vallejo. I continued songwriting, composed, designed websites, hosting and maintaining through PeaceHost.net, did some book editing, became reacquainted with my fiddle and now play amateur jazz violin. I continue my parents legacy of peacde work social activism. I love jazz, love to write and play with words and watch YouTube way too much, hugely exacerbated by the pandemic. Life is good.

School Story:

Barbara Bullock and I fared well at the Redlands University Music Festival, the only violinists to make it to the festival-end invitational. Hey, Barbara! Still play?

You all remember the Sophomore Class Variety Show, and my totally unintentional laugh? With Danielle (I hope I remember your name correctly) on piano we did a Jack Benny skit. I guess that was funny. To refresh, I hurry onstage late. My accompanist feared I would show up and had begun playing on her own. When I finally arrived, I tried and failed to get her attention, tapping her on the shoulder with my violin bow. Finally, I play the Benny theme song, screechingly. Badly. Exasperated, she slams the piano keyboard. Okay, yeah, that was funny. We went on to play "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." And that was cool, my first real taste of show biz.

But what was misinterpreted was my turning to her with a gesture of, "So there." What you, the audience interpreted it as the classic Jack Benny "So there!" I got a terrific laugh out of you guys by accident.

I went on to play in the San Diego Stage symphony and opera orchestras, played casuals and did some studio work. But it was folksinging that got me my first club gigs.

But I'll never forget the gift you all gave me that time.

Daniel's Latest Interactions

Daniel Zwickel posted a message.
Jan 11, 2023 at 12:12 PM

Hey Dennis! Remember me? I played "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on the violin in my Sophomore Class Variety Show and went on to become a professional musician, singing and playing guitar for a living for 35 years. I also went to SDS and had my first professional gig at the Staff NCO Club at the MCRD. Like you, I gravitated to the SF Bay Area and have been living there since 1971. Since I'll probably forget, Happy Birthday in a week! Mine was last Sunday, along with Elvis, David "Major Tom" Bowie and Stephen Hawking. If you're interested in my music, you can listen at: http://www.missatikkunolam.com/ Peace, bro'..

Daniel Zwickel posted a message.
Aug 28, 2021 at 4:08 AM

Happy birthday! I trust you're enjoying clear skies there, free of smoke (I've friends with a home in Lake Tahoe, where the current AQI is 398). I hope you are safe and healthy and envying life there. I don't know if you recall my playing my violin for the Sophomore Class Variety Show. I went on to sing and play guitar for a living, but am now enjoying playing jazz on my fiddle. Be well! --Daniel

Daniel Zwickel has left an In Memory comment for Bruce Abramson.
Jan 10, 2021 at 2:33 PM

I'm so sorry to learn of Bruce's passing. What a tremendous life of service to humanity! I really wish we had kept in touch. Shalom uvracha to his brother John, and all of his family and friends.

It would have surprised him to know that I composed a mass, as cantor in a Catholic church for sixteen years. Whar I hoped it would have pleased him is what it morphed into. I share it with you in memory of a righteous man.


