
Have you had a party with old classmates in attendance?  Are you planning one?  Do you have pictures or funny anecdotes to share?  Let me know and I'll post them to the "Party Page"!

July 11, 2009:  Chris Muldoon, Sue Donahoe, Lori Bigbie & Danelle Dorsey ~ They haven't changed a bit!

July 11, 2009 ~ Chris Muldoon, Sue Donahoe, Lori Bigbie & Danelle Dorsey ~ They haven't changed a bit!

Jeff Geib ~ top, Lori Bigbie Scott & Danelle Dorsey Geib ~ bottom center, Danelle's daughter, Ashley and friends in Las Vegas


October 2009:  Jeanne (Richardson) Starrick, Buck Eilers & Sandy (Nelson) Orosz at a bar in Valpo.  I hope you guys had one for me!

They haven't changed a bit!

They haven't changed a bit!

Val and Buck at the 30th Class Reunion

Buck was Rebecca's first kiss!  (not tonight of course!)

Sandy & Jeanne

Buck & Richard lookin' like studs

Ken tuned up Joe Riley's amp and kept the party going until 4:34am!

 Charlotte & Pat would be so proud!

Cheri Dwight & Jeff Greener are all smiles

Donna, Buck & Nan (anyone else notice Buck smiles the biggest when he's inbetween 2 women?)

Buck and Sarge (aka Steve and Troy)

Buck and Janet (look at all the teeth!)

Cheri and Buck (more teeth!)