Stephanie Gomez

Profile Updated: February 12, 2014
Stephanie Gomez
Residing In Pembroke Pines, FL USA
Spouse/Partner Daniel Ferris
Occupation Art Director at Zumba Fitness, LLC.
Yes! Attending Reunion

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Jun 02, 2014 at 2:48 PM

Posted on: Jun 02, 2014 at 2:00 PM

I can't remember the exact date. I want to say maybe like June 6 or 7th? I'll ask a couple people that I think will probably know the exact date, and let you know. =) Are you going to make it out to Tap42 June 14? Hope to see you there!

May 30, 2014 at 2:49 PM

Hi girl! Unfortunately I am going to have to give you a refund for the tickets. Not enough people purchased =( I think the price was a bit of a hurdle (to give an event everyone would have felt was well worth it). I worked really hard to really try and make this special, but what really matters is that everyone will have the chance to get together without having to put in $$. The good note is.... it will STILL be held on June 14th where people can come meet up for free, catch up, and have a good time. Will be posting details on this site as well as the facebook event as well. Hope your not extremely disappointed, but I look forward to seeing you there regardless! =)
