In Memory

Ruth Joyce Shinkle (Cowan)

Ruth Joyce Shinkle (Cowan)

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12/22/09 10:49 PM #1    

Brenda Jewell (Varner)

This is a note from one of her sons, I posted her obit on her Bulldog Profile Photo page for those interested.

Just a quick note. Ruth passed away Friday morning after a 3 year battle with cancer. She was upbeat until the last month and has spent the last three weeks in a hospice. MD Anderson threw in the towel last month when although we were beating the brain tumors, the cancer had spread in spite of chemo therapy to other parts of her body. The scorecard was 3 operations, 4 chemo therapies, 3 radiation therapies using 3 oncologists in those past 3 years.

We decided several years ago not to have ceremonies at our passings, instead to be remembered as we were in life, not on our deathbeds or in a box. She will continue to live on in this world through the memories of others.

We, sons Dennis, Michael, me and maybe sister Judy, plan to spread her ashes at the Midway Cemetery in Mississippi on her birthday, March 3rd.

Dennis has set up an account in Ruth's name in the For the Cure Foundation and Judy has a local charity in mind for clothing, etc.

Sincerely, Doug Cowan

PS: Yeah. I photoshopped her picture in the obituary.

03/27/10 07:53 AM #2    

Janet P Cook (Matthews)


I know your Mom would have been proud to see that you took the time to let all of us Bulldogs know of her passing. Her memory will live on through you, your brothers and sister.

Live your life serving God because someday you will see Ruth again and I know when will have a big hug waiting for you.

God Bless You
Janet Cook

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