Classmate Profiles

     Contains profile information: 32
     Profile contains photos: 6
     In Memory: 54
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 49
     Military Service: 20
   Restricted to Classmates only


Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 32    Newest Members: 32    Latest Comments: 8  

Loy Mavis Allen (McNeill)   
Harold James Allen, Jr.   
Bonnie Anderson
Jimmy Bates
Myra Bates
Hollis Beal
Romona Jo Beason (Melot)   
William R. "Junior" Beavers   
Ann Boss (Green)
Steve Bowers    
Guy Wayne Bradshaw    
Joy Faye Brazzeal (Tucker)   
Bonnie Bryant
Marylyn Burgett  
Betsy Burke (Slaughter)
David Joe "Jodie" Bush   
Johnny Capell
George Childress
Robert Chubbee   
Donie Ann Chumley (Tom)   
Billy Ray Clark
Juanita Clark
Oliver Sinclair Clark    
Ellen Cline
James Cline
Frankie Cole
Lois Compton
Marilyn Sue Cowling (Klein)   
Nolan Cox   
Kathleen Arloa Crawford (Nieratko)   
Charles Creacy
Jereline Davis (Booth)   
Mary Sue Del Torto
Johnny Denton
Rosella Douglas (Morris)
Dinnah Doyle (Clegg)   
Jean Duncan (Choate)   
Lynda Dunham-Watkins (Watkins)    
Roger Emert   
Leslie Rex Evitts    
Sandra Kay Farrell (Sadler)
Linda Lou Fellows (Thomas)   
Patricia Ann Ferguson (Brown)
Altha Forbus (Leddington)  
Brenda Freeman
Henry Noble Fry   
Juanelle Fryar
Georgia Frances Garrison (Odom)   
Sandra Monette Glaze (Wood)   
Carl E. Grady
Julaine Kaye "Judy" Granger   
James "Jim" Gary Grant   
Betty Jean Greenwalt (Henson)   
Loy Greenwalt
Ruth Ann Griffith (Craft)
Jessie Hamill (Fondy)   
Garth Dale Hampton    
Lynda Ruth Hay (Wilkie)   
Karen Hinkle
Barbara Jo Holmes (Bohan)
Judy Kay Hunter (Campbell)
Roland L. Hurtt
Ray Edward Irwin
Joe Arnold Jacks
Howard Janoe
Phyllis Anne Jeffrey (Tarter)
Jimmie Jones
Tommy Joe Kernell    
Lenora Ann Krebs
L. Z. Lane   
Buck Lee
Carl E. Lee   
Cleo Naomi Lee (Kyles)   
Theo M. Lemmons    
Evelyn Lemons   
Virgil Darnell Little   
Ella Long
Darlene Loter
Susan Maureen Lung (Speer)   
Billy Thomas Mantooth    
Lois Evelyn Mathes (Burkett)   
Glenda Sue Mathis (Weehunt)   
Edgar Eugene Maxwell   
(Larry) Gene McCloure   
Sue McClurken (Johnson)   
Michael Murray McKenzie   
Stanley Wayne (Kitchens…    
Billie Jo Merimon
Saundra Louise Milling (Necessary)   
Bobbie Ray Moore   
Neil Moore
Deanna Spear Morehead
Clarence Morgan
Noakola Noah (Shufeldt)
Robert Parker    
Carroll Gene Payne   
Euell Stanford Payne   
Norman Hershel Pence     
Patricia Ann “Pat” Pettyjohn   
Dee Robert Price
Patty Jo Price  
Michael Rabon    
Claudia Rayburn
Melba Jean Rhodes (Herring)   
Margaret W Riney   
Jimmie Roby
Helen Ruth Rodriquez (Roberts)   
Charles Max Sherman
Donna Mae Shirley (Callaway)   
Ralph Gerald Simmons    
Marshall Patton Simpson   
Coriene Katherine Smith (Hilton)
Donald Smith     
William Charles "Smitty…    
Towana Spivey
James Standfield
Wilburn Standfield
Ann Staton
Bill Staton
George Ernest Taylor    
Joyce Tidmore (Capers)   
Jerry Toliver
Larry Tucker
Morris John Upchurch   
Donelda June Usry (Blanton)   
J. W. Ward
Lee Ward
Leslie D. Waters    
Charles Joseph Webb   
Ethel Webb
James Robert Webb III  
Sharon Frances Wells (Hughes)   
James Edward White    
Nancy Wilkie (Brandon)  
Belinda Sue Wilkins (Holley)   
David Glen Womack    
Carroll Wood
Donald Edward Wood   
Theresa Jean Woolsey (Young)   
Lonnie Wright   
Ervin Odell Wyrick   

Guest Members

Linda Lou Bush (Golden)
Von Callaway
Don Crain
Joyce Fluellen  
Ronald Popchoke   
Kathy Smith (Schmoldt)    
Cindy Stamper (Wright)    
Floyd White   
Judy Wilson

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