Robin Bowling

Profile Updated: October 7, 2017
Robin Bowling
Robin Bowling


Robin Bowling


Robin Bowling


Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing In: NC USA
Spouse/Partner: In a 17 year relationship...
Occupation: Retired/Disabled
Children: 3 - Nieces - Brittany - 26, Brooke - 24, Emilee - 12
1 - Nephew - Ethan - 12

1 More… - Great Niece - Laurianna - 9
4 - Great Nephews - Marcus - 8. Levi - 5, Colby - 3 and little Samuel who is 2

Married 2 weeks after graduation - Divorced in 1995

Almost fatal car wreck in 2000, broke everything on left side & tear on heart..had out of body experience where I was in my crushed car and fireman said to me "Hold on I am going to cut you out of the car"..then I am out of my car standing next to him looking at myself in the thing I remember is I am in the e/r screaming about the glass in my head as I was strapped the the gurney coz they didn't know if my neck was broken or not...was air lifted to CMC where I stayed for almost 2 months, went home in an ambulance with lots of equipment..rehabbed myself as I had no insurance (was on the way to 1st day of new job when it happened) took me 6 months to make dinner of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, lol but I did it...I went back to work until 2006 and my body just wouldn't go anymore and my mind just cracked under the stress of managing a store...took me years to get help from disability and as you might be wondering who I got in the wreck with??? police officer who was under the influence who left the scene, left me for dead, one of the small towns finest, isn't that something?...I tried to get many lawyers to take my case and after investigating it all they all concluded that they covered his ass very well and that the town had way more money to fight the case with than I did and there was no point in trying to fight him because it was all so can imagine how someone with severe depression, bi-polar disorder, PTSD, and chronic pain handled this...I was deeply depressed for almost 4 years...and now my bi-polar disorder swings almost daily and I have severe insomnia and anxiety attacks that send me into a different world and a memory as short as and pencil tip, and I do not like to drive anymore and only do if it is an emergency, I am terrified of it, panic so bad I almost throw up. lol I laugh but it is to keep from crying..I have learned to live with it all...I think of it as life on a merry go round...I write a lot...I used to write song lyrics and I am really good at it, sure wish I could make some money at it...anyway I am very happy now...I have a great family, tons of nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews too...and one special niece, her name is Emilee and she fills my life with so much happiness, I love her so much and I would go to the moon and back for her...she has such a big heart and she is filled with the spirit and grace of our Lord and I could not imagine my life without her...I have a wonderful partner who I have had the honor and pleasure of sharing my life with for the past 14 years...she never left my side during my recovery time after my wreck except to go to work except for after about 3 weeks when she ran out of clean clothes and had to do laundry and she was so tired from working, driving an hour each way to be with me, sleeping in a hard recliner by my bed where I was hooked up to all kinds of machines, eating hospital food everyday, and making sure I had any and everything I needed while I was in the hospital----SHE WAS EXHAUSTED----and she fell asleep on the bed while she was folding clothes, lol...and was so upset when she woke up, she called me crying, and I told her to stop that crying and to go back to sleep in that real bed for a night, but before she went back to sleep to call in to work and take a day off to just rest (she hadn't had a day off in years, workaholic)...but she did it, I was shocked...she slept until the next afternoon and came to the hospital, she looked like a new woman...I almost lost her in 2012 when she got pneumonia, carbon monoxide poisoning, congestive heart failure, kidney failure and a mini stroke...I have never prayed so much in my life...she was in the hospital for 3 months, and I went every day...she was my rock when I needed her and I was hers when she needed me....we have such a special bond...she is my best friend and she loves me for me, the real me, flaws and all and I have many...she says my imperfections make me unique and that is what makes me interesting...and I never shut up, I always have something to say and I am so funny I keep her and everyone around me laughing...she loves my mannerisms, tell me I am cute and even beautiful...she looks at me, watches me with interest and abandon, she makes me feel so special, golden, worth a million bucks...I love her as high as the sky and as wide as the waters (I have told her that for 14 years and I will tell her that on my death bed)....sorry this is so long, I am a writer, I have a book in me and one day you may be buying my best a nutshell I have just been living my life day by day, some days are good, some days are not so good...I have a lot of health problems...I found out I have Stage III Cirrhosis of the Liver and I am pretty scared about that but the way I see it it will send me to Heaven and I will get to see family, old friends and my animals that are playing up there...its all good...I have a pretty good family which consists of my Mama, My brother Wayne, my little brother (only see him a few times a year) and then her side of the family I have my Sissy Theresa(sisterinlaw), Daddy(my brotherinlaw), Emilee(my special niece) and then all my other nieces and nephews...we all gather at all the major holidays...Both sides of our familes are very accepting and treat us both like daughters and life is pretty darn good from where I am sitting...

School Story:

I started wearing glasses when I was four years old...I got a new pair every year with a new and stronger prescription and my eye doctor told my parents that I would be legally blind by the time I was 30 years old...well in the 6th grade at Derita Elementary School we were in the Multi-Purpose Room (for those of you who don't know what that is, its a fancy name for a gym, lol)...anyway, we were playing Indian Dodge Ball in which teams line up on each side and balls are place down the middle in a line and you run up and grab a ball and throw it at the opposing team and hit them with it to get them out and those with the most people remaining at the end win. Well it just so happened that I got tripped up and fell and about 5 other people fell on top of me...during this I broke my right arm, hit my head pretty hard and bent my new glasses up that I had just gotten (they were gold-rimmed john denver lookin octagon shaped ones)...when I got home it took me 3 hours to convince my Mama that my arm was broken, she took me to the doctor and sure enough it was broken so I got a cast (so kewl)...Me, Mama, and Wayne (my little brother) went to see a movie about a week later during which I had been trying to convince my Mama that I could not see through my glasses, well I could not see the screen at all, so blurry, so Mama made me wash my glasses, she said I had butter on them from the popcorn, so I washed my glasses atleast 12 times, finally I just dropped my head down, stuck out my lower lip and pouted...As I sat there pouting my glasses kind of slid down my little nose and low and behold as peered over the top of them it was as if I could see, see clearly for the first time, for the first time in my life....Again as it always seem to be I tried to convince my Mama that I could see so clearly without those glasses, well she thought that I just didn't want to wear them..She fussed that she has just spent $300 on those glasses and I was gonna wear them come hell or high water...a few more weeks passed by and I just kept on refusing to wear those glasses and finally I wore her down and she made an appointment to take me back to eye doctor...Eye doctor did so many tests on me, even the Glucose Tolerance Test (which is a fancy name for the Diabetic Test) turned out that I had better than 20/20 vision and the doctor could not figure out why other than when I fell I must have hit my head and it jarred my vision back to normal, better than normal even...his name was Dr. Smith and he was writing a paper on me because he found it so interesting what happened, well he died in a rafting accident, so his partner, and I cant remember his name finished the paper and it got published in the JAMA journal in 1970 something...until about 2 years ago I have great vision, but as fate would have it I became diabetic about 4 years ago and my vision is getting really bad now so in a few weeks I will be going back to that same group of doctors, I doubt the one that finished the article is still there, probably long retired, but still I will remind them of my story, maybe some of them will have heard of it who knows???....I just realized this probably should have been a story from high school but most everyone I went to high school with I also went to elementary and junior high school with...the only thing in high school that happened to me that was really big news was when my parents got separated and then is still really hard for me to talk about as I am sure most any child of divorce has hurtful memories of it...coz lets face it, there are no happy memories of a family breaking my high school years were spent trying to appear to be normal and happy but inside I was such a sad family was falling sense of security was blown apart when my father left...then my parents tried to get back together and we were uprooted and moved to Georgia for six months and things got worse father started drinking more and was very angry and violent so we left and came back to this time my Mother was lost and deeply depressed so I sort of became the mother to her and my little brother...I would help my Mother get ready in the mornings and I mean put her outfit together, dry and fix her hair and makeup, pack her a lunch along with one for my brother and basically push her out the door, she would pull it together enough to take my brother to school and go to work, I would go to school, come home, wash clothes, dishes, vacuum, and cook dinner and help my brother with his homework, after dinner I would clean up, give him a bath, herd them both to bed, and then I would do my homework and pass out and I did this for a year until my Mother met my soon to be stepdad...I hated him, he tried to be superdad and I was used to a dad who was not around and I was used to basically being an adult with no one telling me what to do, and I was a good girl, I did what I was supposed to do, never got into trouble...I fought with this guy and I just never did like him until years later for about 10 minutes and right after he died we really found out what a shit he was because he owed thousands upon thousands of dollars to creditors for his business and most of it was in my Mothers name so it ruined her and she was left holding the bag...she lost her home, her beloved year round campsite, her car...she lost her everything...then she bought a condo and lost her butt when she sold it because of the economy being so was a nightmare....I felt like if I could just hurry up and get out of high school and get married and start my own life and have my own home that things would settle down and things would be so much two weeks after I graduated I got married to my high school sweetheart, most might remember him, I dated him from 9th grade all the way through the 12th, we broke up a few times and I dated a few other guys but we always got back together...I loved him and I adored his family...they were so happy, they loved each other, they went to church and they loved me too...for 13 years, unlucky 13...well all good things must come to an end I guess...but I was so depressed, a lot of people would be happy to be free of the person they divorced I am, not so much....I grieved so a long, long time...waves of depression over and over and over again, nothing could console me...I hurt him so badly and in turn he quickly hooked up with a younger version of me....I thought I would die, more fodder for me to grieve life was worse without him and he was happy without me, how could he be happy without me????....finally I met someone, someone that made me happy, someone who made me laugh, someone that cared about the bad dream that I had and sat up with me until I would fall asleep again...someone who accepted me flaws and all (does this sound familiar, lol)...someone I could see myself sitting in our rocking chairs on our front porch growing old we got a little house, made it into our home and a month later I almost died in that I guess I have almost come full is the writer in me, once I get going I cant I am a much happier person...I think I am happier because I have learned to love- and accept myself with my flaws and all...I tried to be perfect when I was young and when I was young I don't even think I knew what perfect even was exactly...but maybe I equated that perfect would bring happiness...I don't know but I do know this though my journey has been a bumpy one it has been filled with many lessons, many good times and many bad times and there have been many close calls (almost like a cat with nine lives as I have left out quite a few of the near death events that only by the grace of God I pulled through them just like the wreck)...but I think that the good times especially the past 14 years have definitely been the best years of my life, car wreck included because it showed me that there was someone in this world who stood by my side in the worst of times knowing that I may not make it through another day but had the faith that I would make it so that we could have this wonderful life together and that my friends is my life in a nutshell...

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Oct 07, 2017 at 1:22 AM
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Oct 07, 2017 at 1:20 AM
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Oct 07, 2017 at 1:13 AM
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Oct 07, 2017 at 1:11 AM
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Oct 07, 2017 at 1:08 AM
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Oct 07, 2017 at 1:03 AM
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Oct 07, 2017 at 12:54 AM
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Oct 07, 2017 at 12:52 AM
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Oct 07, 2017 at 12:51 AM
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Oct 07, 2017 at 12:51 AM
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Oct 07, 2017 at 12:51 AM
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Oct 07, 2017 at 12:50 AM
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Jul 31, 2017 at 4:33 AM
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Jul 31, 2016 at 4:33 AM
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Jul 31, 2015 at 4:34 AM
Posted: Oct 07, 2017 at 1:11 AM
Posted: Oct 07, 2017 at 1:11 AM
Posted: Oct 07, 2017 at 12:51 AM
Posted: Oct 07, 2017 at 12:51 AM
Posted: Oct 07, 2017 at 12:51 AM
Posted: Oct 07, 2017 at 12:50 AM