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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Hutington Park Spartan Alumni

Email to add your name:

HP"SANG" Website

"90255 Networking Group"


HP (S)partan (A)lumni (N) tworking (G)roup = HP"SANG"


(Under construction)


You can Help!

If you know of any HP Spartan Alumni missing, enter their e-mail address in the Missing Classmates box below (on the bottom right hand corner of this page). A special direct invitation will go out asking them to join our website list, which is basically a "FREE" keep in touch websiteThis site will also be used to help us inform as many Classmates as possible on any future H.P. events & reunions, so please notify us of any changes of address, email or phone numbers in the future.   

Ok Alumni, if facebook starts charging $14.99 a month starting July 2010 (i don't know how true that is) we will loose most of you. I have a back up plan which is the website but i need to start entering your names one by one, tell me about it, LOL anyway, I will start to work on preparing it now. Please send This is why i encourage all classes to set up their own website or you can use the HPSANG for reunion list planning until you decide