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Forum: Pacific Blvd After School


1st job

Created on: 07/22/12 02:47 PM Views: 2841 Replies: 3
1st job
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2012 02:47 PM

My first job was after school on pacific Blvd/gage Ave. at the orange Julius, next to laury's Shoe Store. I managed the store for the summers '60' - '61 so the owner could go on holiday.  He was gone on a cruise for a month in '61,  Boy did I feel important, no wonder I spent my life in the retail business world.

RE: 1st job
Posted Tuesday, July 24, 2012 03:35 PM

My first job was also on Pacific blvd. at Leed's Shoes. I was a stockboy and dyemaster (dyed cloth shoes) after school, and on Saturdays and Summer weekends, I was a salesman. After I got out of the Army, for about three years or so, if I needed some extra cash, I would sell shoes on weekends. If the store is still there, my name may be written on a couple of of the shelves.

RE: 1st job
Posted Friday, August 10, 2012 09:38 AM

After graduation, I worked at Woolworth's Dept. Store. I really liked working at the candy counter. I can't believe that I made less than $1.00 an hour! Crazy..........


RE: 1st job
Posted Wednesday, July 24, 2013 08:36 AM

I started woking at 8 years old and don't remember being unemployed until I retired in 2004.  At 8 years old I was the youngest paper boy that ever worked for the HP Daily Signal.  My route was on Olive St between Mountain View and Seville.  Although I had other jobs, I contiued to work in the paper business (part time) until I joined the Air Force.  I worked at Ted's Mobile at Olive and Seville, in the shoe department at JC Penney's on Pacific Blvd, Safeway Market. 

Paul Anderson

The flag does not fly because of
the wind that blows it,
The flag flies because each soldiers'
last breath blows by it.