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•   Paul Anderson  4/23
•   Thomas McCrystal  7/9
•   Judith Wilcox (Reagan)  3/27
•   James Hays  3/27
•   Joan Miller (Miller)  3/18
•   Janalee Peterson (Christensen)  3/14
•   Albert "Bert" Lowe  3/12
•   Lana Ruh (Ivanoff)  3/12
•   William Noel  3/12
•   Melvin (Gene) Bennett  3/11
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57 are deceased


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Huntington Park High School
Winter Class of 1962 - Summer Class of 1962

Welcome to the Huntington Park High School, Classes Of 1962, website!

It is our goal to provide a forum for our classmates to remember our friends from our youth and the great time we had. As we approach another landmark, 60 years, we will begin planning our next event, certainly not to exceed our last very memorable one. 

Fellow Seyconians and Olympians and Spartans in general,

As we approach 60-years since we left the halls of Hunting Park High School and our fellow Spartans. We will be holding an exploratory meeting to determine the interest and options we have for a reunion.

Our 50-year reunion was great. We had some fantastic help in making it happen. Thanks again Elton for all your connections and help, opening your home and your lovely wife, Janice.  

A few months ago, there was a question if this would even be possible. But with the COVID vaccines being distributed and any reunion being a year plus away things look good.

The meeting will be to explore, interest, options,

  1. What is he level of interest in having a 60-year reunion?
  2. Who are willing to help put this together? We now have tools we can use now to put a reunion together without being locally connected.
  3. Where shall a reunion be held? L.A.? O.C.?
  4. Type of venue? Hotel? Park?
  5. Etc. …

The first meeting will be held via ZOOM on April 1, at 7:00pm. Many of us have been exposed to the ZOOM platform due to COVID, sometimes with the assistance of our children and grandchildren. The log-in information is. If you have any interest at all please join us in discussing the possibilities.

               Log-in I.D.:865-1323-3193

               Password: Spartans

And one last thing, spread the Word. Please forward this message to any and all HPHS 62 Alumni you know.

If you have any problems with connecting that night text or call me at (805) 717-9024.

Ed Schuler, S’62

We will however hope continue our tradition, to meet again this year (2021) at the Annual HPHS All-Class Alumni Picnic, July 30, 2021, at  El Dorado Park, Long Beach,10am-5pm. Check the HPHS Alumni Association website for the picnic. Please join us at the 1962/63 tent. Bring a bite to share; sausage snacks will be provided. Hope to see you there! 


We have lost another Spartan Jim Downs S'62, died April 24, 2021.

At HP he was in the Spartan Band and Orchestra, he played the Trombone and was Drum Major. He also DJ'd during the lunch hour and was a cartoonest for the Spartan Shield. 

Jim Downs service has been scheduled for June 4th at 11:30 am at Drapers Mortuary. this is located at 811 N Mountain Ave, Ontario, CA 91762. His burial will be at 1:00 pm at Bellevue Memorial Park located at 1240 W G St, Ontario, CA 91762. Based on covid, i am not sure if there will be limitations --- more details to come ---

Please continue to keep the family lifted in prayer.