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Festive Photo Compliments of Richard MacPherson

It seems like yesterday that many of us were dancing at our 50th reunion with our fellow classmates. Thank you all for attending the reunion and your work to benefit the reunion.  We so missed not seeing those who did not attend, and we really hope to see you in the future.  
Regarding those who did not attend...we searched and researched to locate all, but we did not capture information on every classmate.  We could use help finding the missing classmates.  If you have any knowledge about the "unfound" classmates, please give us a hand here.
Do you have photos of the reunion?  Please post them on the website using the 50th Reunion Photos menu in the middle of this page at the top.  We have posted some, but would love to have more.  Of course, including the names of those in the pictures is always appreciated.  If you need assistance to post, please give us a shout via the Contact Us button on the top right.
To no one's surprise, we used up all the funds gathered for the reunion.  Applause to those who donated!  It helped a bunch!  We are solvent, but there is nothing in the kitty for future reunions at this time.  We could also use donations to help with the cost of this website.  You can donate via credit card or PayPal account using the donate button on the right.
Please take a few minutes to respond to the attached survey about the 50th reunion and your desire for future reunions.   Your input will help succeeding planners plan.  
All of the volunteers felt privileged to work on this reunion.  It was special and meaningful for us to again see people we hadn't seen in 50 years.  Wow, amazing that so many of us are still kicking (as we proved at the dinner dance!), but so very sad that some of us are not around anymore.  Thank you all, again, for attending.  For those who could not come as well as those who did attend, we hope to see you at our next gala!
Go Tigers!
The Reunion Committee

You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

1)   * Will you come to a future reunion?

Yes No
2)   * If so, within what time period would you like it be scheduled?

  One Year
  Two Years
  Five Years
  Ten Years
3)   * Would you like future reunions to include Skyline alums?

Yes No
Please recognize that Skyline did not want a joint reunion for the 50th, and did not include any joint events in their planning. This could change for subsequent reunions.
4)   What time of year is best to hold a reunion?

5)   What type of reunion would you like?

  Only 1 day
  2 days
  3 days like the 50th
6)   Would you prefer only daytime events, or do you think that we can still stay awake for an evening event?

  Daytime Only
  No Curfew for Me!
7)   How much are you willing to pay for a future reunion?

  $25 per person
  $50 per person
  $75 per person
  $100 per person
8)   Will you be willing to volunteer to help with our next reunion?

Yes No
9)   Would you like the next reunion to include the same or similar events as the 50th Reunion?

10)   What would you like to add or omit?

11)   General comments about the 50th Reunion? If you attended, tell us what you thought.