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Welcome to the Obafemi Awolowo University College of Health Sciences UK Alumni web site. We are a group of graduates from the College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria who resides in the United Kingdom. We started meeting in 2004 but the association was formally launched in September 2008 in Birmingham. Through this association we hope to make significant contributions to our alma mater. Click on the "UK Alumni News" icon to see what we've been up to and more details about us.

You are welcome aboard and it is great having you join in. This site provides limitless networking opportunities with old schoolmates. Please explore the site in details and you will find that you can share old jokes, posts announcements and even send private messages to individual members using the Message Center. Have a great time reconnecting with your old buddies and spread the word to others not registered!

Great Ife!
