Do you remember...??

Let's take a walk down Memory Lane...

  • who was your Senior big sister as a Freshman?
  • do you remember wearing 8 braids on one side, 3 on the other for Initiation Day??
  • what were some of the pranks that you/your friends pulled at SMA??
  • do you remember the suspensions for the girls who went up to Serra for Initiation Day??
  • what did you have to do as part of YOUR initiation?
  • the modeling fashion show that featured Mrs. Shoemaker's sewing class??
  • remember Sophomore show??
  • remember Homecoming?
  • what was the color of the tie that represented the class that followed us?
  • who were the coaches for the various athletic teams?
  • who was your favorite teacher?
  • The Wiz production?
  • what was our mascot?
  • what was our class song?
  • does anyone remember when Magic Johnson came to visit?
  • does anyone remember the itching powder prank??
  • what was the color of the tie that proceeded us?
  • how about the DJ parties at lunchtime??
  • who remembers the visits to the Convent next door?
  • the Pep Rallies in the gym?
  • when pickles were sold in the lunch line?
  • hall monitors?
  • THE K-DAY TOY DRIVE when Shalamar performed??
  • the pop-locking contests?
  • pay phones in the Quad??
  • Famous Amos cookies??
  • Jordache jeans, blazers, and Candies??
  • when everything in the hallway resembled a slight mint green?
  • our infamous Tie Ceremony?
  • what was your favorite memory at SMA??
  • do you remember the cars being egged in the parking lot?
  • the field trip to see Gandhi (the movie)?
  • the infamous playoff basketball game at Regina Caeli when we were chased back to the bus??
  • Serra, Verbum Dei, and Daniel Murphy football and basketball games?
  • Belles et Beaux??
  • OUR PROM??!!