In Memory

Deanna Robertson (Wuttke)


by son, Gary Cook

Many of you may know and some may not but my mother Deanna Robertson Wuttke was diagnosed in January with Lung Cancer. At the time the doctor thought it was stage IV but suggested we visit an Oncologist to see if he thought there was any potential treatment. I told my mother that I expected that she would still have opportunities to experience miracles in her remaining life. First one was that we made a trip to Florida and visited her step sons (William Wuttke and Robert Wuttke), their wives and grandchildren which she had not ever met. Second was after a few more tests we discovered she actually had Stage III cancer and it could be treated. Due to current hospital policies it was hard to get her into the hospital and get a biopsy and treatment so that was delayed several months. My mother stayed determined and we did start treatment last week. However much we wanted this to work and to be able to keep here around longer she lost her battle sometime last night. She passed away overnight in her home for the past 45 years in Blue Springs. Although she is no longer with us on this earth she lives in our memories. My mother had some of the best attributes. If you are familiar with Matthew 5,6,7 AKA the sermon of the mount. There it describes the person she aspired to be. My mother had perfect faith. She trusted her father in heaven and treated everyone as he would. I have been blessed from her example. I know she was welcomed into Heaven by the angels. I love you Mom.

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10/23/21 04:07 PM #1    

Nancy Zatarain (Walton)

Deanna move to Florida the last half of her senior year.  I messaged with her brother on Facebook, and he was pleased some Jackson classmates remembered her.

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