In Memory

Nancy A. Stewart (Wilke)

Information on The Doe Network (International Center for Unidentified and Missing Persons)

Nancy Stewart Wilke

  • Case Classification: Missing
  • Missing Since: August 12, 1967
  • Location Last Seen: Waycross, Ware County, Georgia

Physical Description (Listed information is from the time of disappearance):

  • Date of Birth: Unknown
  • Age at Time of Disappearance: 20 years
  • Race: White
  • Gender: Female
  • Height at Time of Disappearance: 5' 5
  • Weight at Time of Disappearance: 120 lbs
  • Hair Color: Reddish-brown, collar bone length
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Alias(s) / Nickname(s): Nancy Stewart

Circumstances of Disappearance

Nancy Stewart Wilke was twenty years old and married. She worked at the Pic'N'Save grocery store on Knight Avenue in Waycross. After finishing her shift on August 12, 1967 she went home, changed clothes, and returned to the store to shop. She and a bagboy carried out her groceries, and she locked her purse in the car before returning to the store to check her work schedule. She was never seen again after she left the store. Her car, with the groceries and her purse found inside, was still in the parking lot of the grocery store.

Investigating Agency(s)

If you have any information about this case please contact;

  • Agency Name: GBI
  • Agency Contact Person: N/A
  • Agency Phone Number: 404-244-2600

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07/01/19 08:48 AM #1    

Joseph S. Stonecipher

I worked with Nancy's Dad at Jax NAS in the 60's and we car-pooled together with two other guys.  He told us the story of what happened to his daughter:  She was married, working at Piggly Wiggly grocery store in Georgia and had just had a baby.

She went grocery shopping one day and her and one of the bag boys took her groceries out to her car.  She was supposed to go to work in a few days, so she walked back inside to check the work schedule.  She never got home and that night they found her car with the groceries still in it.  Everyone assumed some scumbag kidnapped her in the parking lot and killed her.

Months later, every weekend, her Mom and Dad were going to where she worked and looking in the nearby forests for her body.  She was never found.

This was about the saddest story I ever heard, but I remember she was a good Christian girl and is now with the Lord.



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