Classmate Profiles (1970)

     Contains profile information: 15
     In Memory: 1
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 1
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Nancy Bartek (Allard)
Gary Beaubien  
Nancy Bell (Schmidt)
Claire Bertrand (Campbell)   
Jeanette Bonde (Briggs)   
Janice Bosse (Albright)  
Susan Collins (Mulder)  
Theresa Crevier
Max Delaney   
Patty Fox (Chaussee)
Bruce Gilbertson
Jeanne Gorman (Trudeau)   
Linda Hoffman (Christiansen)   
Neil Honomichl  
Martin Irwin
Jim Lulf
Susan Lulf (McGUIRE)   
Bill McKELVEY   
Barbara Michaud   
Mona Murren
Christine Nelson (Christiansen)
Jackie Olson (Rollison)
Diane Peters (Card)  
Deb Rollison (Collette)   
Neal Rollison
Janet Saylor (Skinner)
Debbie Skouge (Chicoine)   
Richard Watkins   

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