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05/27/11 09:14 AM #1    

Jim Whitledge (1961)

Welcome to the Western Michigan University forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

06/24/11 07:54 AM #2    

George Siggins (1961)

 Hi Bill

I'm back from Africa and we are working out the jet lag kinks.  Looks like things are going well on the plans for a get together.


06/25/11 07:58 PM #3    

George Siggins (1961)

 Happy Birthday OWL

08/23/11 01:48 PM #4    


Gerry Kretschmar (1961)

Hey fellows, I found some old slides from 1960 and 1967 and I posted them to my profile page, take a look.

09/23/11 02:10 PM #5    


Robert Patton (1961)

Sorry guys we are going to miss the reunion, will be in San Francisco that week.  Sorry to see so many brothers are gone. Hope all have fun and we can keep the page up somewhere for updates. Call me if you are passing through Ky on your way to Fla. Our law office is less than a mile from the expressway.

10/11/11 04:33 PM #6    

Gary Walker (1961)

My wife Suzanne (WMU 1968) and I walked the WMU campus early Sunday afternoon after our reunion. There are still some buildings that you can recogize from our time but many, many buildings have been added. When we went into the Union, it was totally changed and the bowling alley and pool tables in the lower level have been removed, replaced with various franchise restaurants. We went to her old dorm (French) and then on to mine, Henry Hall. I went up to the desk and addressed a tatooed young lady, telling her that I had lost a Rolling Stones concert poster. "When did you lose it?", she said. "1960", I replied. Silence. More silence...then recognition and laughter. Suzanne and I talked to her about the "old times" and she was appalled by the dorm curfews the woman endured. Not all of the women tolerated the curfews, I told her, but I didn't feel real comfortable talking about Sharon DeVos behind her back.  Gary 



10/12/11 11:47 AM #7    

Patrick Copps (1961)

Very sorry to have missed the reunion--what can I say?  Looks like I missed a great time. Gratified to see that my Big Brother, Troll, looks so good as do Stork and Gary W. Nice recap by the way Gary.

Wonder where I can score one of those white with purple SAE sweatshirts?

PA gentlemen,


02/10/17 08:15 PM #8    

Joe Parsons (1961)

After what has happened at the Northwestern Headquarters SAE chapter and at other big/small school chapters in recent years with SAE, I’m disgusted, ashamed, and embarrassed to admit I am a SAE frat boy. I knew times were different when we were there in college because we were a differnet generation and our chapter was very respected along with others then. So now, it seems that at bunch of over-indulged, spoiled punk kids belong to SAE. The friends I developed when at WMU, I will always remember. But I no longer attribute that friendship to SAE. We were all together at a time in our lives when friendship was important, and SAE provided that. I just wonder WTF happened between then and now. So is this how these current F - - king SAE brothers sing the SAE fight song now?. Sorry if I pissed some of my fellow brothers off, but just speak how I feel and think now and what I think is the the truth. I care less if you agree with me or not.

Come sing to Sigma Alpha Epsilon and to the brothers who want to get it on.

And to Phi Alpha with it’s blindless light,

Who now puts our values out of sight

So in the end we’ll tell our friends,

What used to be the greatest fraternity

And for those brothers from earlier times,

I just wish them brotherhood and in the bonds.

02/11/17 09:35 AM #9    

Gary Walker (1961)


You wrote what many of us are thinking. I have had some legal matters with SigEp and Sigma Chi recently that has caused me to do some research on these and other national fraternities, and most all of the Greek world is experiencing bad incidents caused by some of today's fraternity brothers. My sense is that bad behaviour isn't just the fraternities, although their group name makes them easy to identify. It is disappointing to those of us who remember the more "traditional" values and morales of our times, but it seems that the current disturbing behaviours are an expression of America's general culture today, and examples of this are documented every day in the news media. The loss of respect, honor and courtesy in our country and it's institutions are distressing. But our generation caused similar concerns among our parents generation, and we turned out fine. Let's hope that the same will be true of our younger brothers.

The national creeds and goals of Sigma Alpha Epsilon have not changed. We still have a legitimate right to remember the good times of our fraternity experiences and enjoy the good long-term friends that we made. 

My best to you, Joe.

Phi Alpha,

Gary Walker

02/11/17 11:20 AM #10    


Gerry Kretschmar (1961)

Joe, I was surprised by your posting but glad you shared the position you did. I have no idea what went on at Northwestern, but obviously it was negative news as nearly all fraternity news postings today and in past few years have been. Oddly, I posted on my Facebook page about a year ago about a positive fraternity news story at a California campus(USC?)concerning children as I recall and the reason I posted it was because it concerned the SAE chapter and even a picture of their house.

After what we witnessed at our 50 year reunion of our old Delta chapter that only brought sadness to all of us is the sign of the times it appears. There are still good solid fraternities and chapter houses around the country, one being the Delta Chi chapter at Michigan that just dedicated a new house. My best friend from Grosse Pointe HS headed up the fund rising for the chapter and relayed the positives he saw in his old chapter. I know here in our area that Vanderbilt has both positive and negative fraternity experiences so it's not totally loss.

The major contributing factor I see/hear/read of is the liberalism that has taken strong hold our education system, particularly at the higher level of colleges. The numerous fact based news reports on the situation paints a very bleak picture of what is happening to our country. The Civil Liberties Union is a strong proponent of enhancing and facilitating the liberal cause on campuses and I see nothing that will stop or change that. The only salvation I see for people like us who are so troubled by what we see going on today versus what we knew and experienced back in the 40s-60s, is that we're in the "check out" generation and won't have to live with it too much longer. . . but Lord be with our children and grandchildren, Phi Alpha, "Kretsch"

02/14/17 08:12 PM #11    

Joe Parsons (1961)

Thanks Gary and Kretch for your comments to my earlier post. Yes Kretch, I'm sure there are many respectable SAE chapters among the universities and colleges nationwide as you mentioned, but I think the disgrace that has happened, and not just with SAE, is becoming more commom and prevalent amoung all fraternities as Gary mentioned. Fortunately, our parents raised us to be respectful and honorable of others, whether it be male or female or nationality. I think those values are no longer there with our younger generations. But yea, we  went thru troubled times and everything turned out OK for us, but not so sure if that will be the case with the current generations. In the bonds. Joe

02/15/17 04:28 PM #12    

Robert Kent (1961)

I wanted everyone to know that Brother Bill Ross is very ill with  cancer in Louisville, KY. Please keep Bill, Jan, and their family in your thoughts and prayers.

Phi Alpha

Bob Kent

02/16/17 02:56 PM #13    

Gary Walker (1961)

To Brother Bill (a/k/a "The Cass City Kid")-

Suzanne and my thoughts and prayers are with you Bill. I know Jan is your great support and with her and other help, you can beat this.

 Phi Alpha, Gary Walker

02/17/17 03:24 PM #14    

Joe Parsons (1961)

Quite a lengthy article in today's Chicago Tribune but think it worth the read. Just glad I was at WMU in the early 60s and affiliated with SAE then. Not so sure I want to tell my current friends that I was an SAE frat boy.

02/19/17 01:21 PM #15    

Gary Walker (1961)


I think SAE as an organization is being unfairly singled out, especially in the article link that you posted (and it did not name the other fraternity that was also accused). Assuming that the allegations are true, it isn't the fraternity that commits these anti-social acts, it is the individual members. SAE brothers know that the alleged acts aren't just against our fraterrnity's stated creeds (something we all swear to adhere to when we were admitted to membership), it is against established civil behaviour and posted criminal law (not to mention religious teachings). So my sense is that the individuals that commited those acts would have done the same in their apartments or dorm rooms, if they were not SAE members.

In a university with thousands of contemporaires, it is impossible to be friends with all of them so the natural inclination is to belong to a smaller group to develop friendships and companions. My older son did not pledge a fraternity but still seea many of his dorm friends from MSU. We did that with Michigan Delta and ended up having life-long friendships.

It is my opinion that it is not fraternities that are to blame, it is our country's permissive attitude toward anti-social individual behaviour whose perpetators seem to suffer no repercussions. We all need to speak up.

In bonds, Gary

(do I sound like an attorney at law here? Sorry!)



02/19/17 05:31 PM #16    


Gerry Kretschmar (1961)

Gary, your observations and views about the Northwestern SAE issue as it relates to personal behavior are very valid in my opinion.   Unfortunately, it's not unusual for any Greek organization to have the actions of one, two, or small few to sadly be taken out on the entrie chapter and in the end on a fraternitys' reputatuion.   I've seen it occurr down here at Middle Tennessee State Univ., at UT-Knoxville and even at Alabama Nu a few years ago now, I forget how long they were shut down.   Most fraternity situatons are the result of banned hazing, especially those resulting in death or injury and total out of control drinking situations; however, the Northwesrtern SAE situation is not unique by any means.  

02/20/17 09:32 PM #17    

Robert Kent (1961)

Wanted all to know that Brother Bill Ross passed away early today. Jan and his family were with him. There will be a service on Feb. 28.

Bob Kent



02/21/17 08:21 PM #18    

Joe Parsons (1961)

Although I really don't remember Bill, it is always sad when you hear of someone passing and you were connected in some way to that person. But these circumstances seem to happen more often as you get older. Will just tell you that before I get out of bed each morning, I thank God for being here on earth for another day and for my good health. And believe me my brothers, I'm really not a spritual person who attends church each Sunday. If you want to worship God, you can do it in your own way

02/22/17 09:01 AM #19    


Gerry Kretschmar (1961)

Joe, totally agree with your position, daily thanks, we never know what tomorrow holds or even if it will arrive.   Bill and I were both part of Wayne Peter's wedding party, but hadn't seen him since.   Bill, along with many other Brothers are the ones I missed when we had our reunion in Kazoo.


02/26/17 10:12 AM #20    


Gerry Kretschmar (1961)

      Bert and I had been in Facebook contact for at least 5-6 years and I was aware he wasn't in good health.    I received the following post this morning that he had assended to Chapter Eternal.   Bert lived in the Miami area where he moved to many years ago after his one twin son lost his life in a tragic accident at their home in Birmingham (as I recall). 
Bert Hadas
16 hrs

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we must announce the passing of our Father Bert Hadas. He went to his Heavenly Homecoming this morning at 4:10am at Kendall Regional Medical Center. He collapsed in his home Thursday evening and went into cardiac arrest for approximately 30 minutes. He never regained consciousness. Please keep our family in your prayers during this difficult time. Memorial service plans will be forthcoming.

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