Alysa Rey Smith

Profile Updated: January 15, 2011
Currently Residing In: Saunderstown, RI USA
Spouse/Partner: Matthew Lee Smith
Any children? When were they born? Dallin Matthew 1996
Alexis Diane 1999
Ethan Rey 2002 and
Sarah Elizabeth 2007
Yes! Attending Reunion
Share your favorite or least favorite DHS Memory?

I try to explain to my children the great venue of entertainment that the D.H.S. assemblies provided. Pretty much anyone could do whatever they wanted and for the most part it was all in good taste....(with maybe a few exceptions.) Whatever possessed Alison and me to dress up in Daisy Duke shorts and do a clogging routine to "Grandma's Feather Bed" I'll never know...but if you could dream it, you could do it. I'll never forget how funny it was when the senior assembly was mocking the sophomore assembly (which was OUR assembly) complete with a Mr. Duckworth impersonator asking the audience to be respectful and having the "performers" begin their routine again....or better yet when Gavin and Koko included a "Jarman the Hut" character in their Star Wars themed assembly....those were good times.

What did you do right after high school?

Is the question what did I do right after high school or what did I do RIGHT, after high school?

The first thing I did RIGHT after high school is marry my husband. Although he attended an inferior high school (Spanish Fork) we have made a great life together and continue to have a lot of fun. We have also produced 4 amazing children that during the few moments when they are not making me totally crazy, I thoroughly enjoy them.

High points of your life since high school?

One of many highlights was this past fall when Alison, Julie, the Cheeze and I went hiking in Zion's National Park wearing bright orange shirts with "Las Vegas County Correctional Facility" emblazoned on the back. On the return trip home we called each of our spouses and sang "I am Woman ...hear me roar with numbers too big to ignore...." at the top of our lungs. Sometimes I think I have matured a lot since high school....other times I'm not so sure.

Have you met any famous or interesting people?

I tried really hard to think of someone cool and my husband and I even discussed the possibility of making something up but I knew I couldn't top Brooke Barlow's story about meeting John Schneider so I decided not to try.

The truth of the matter is I am RELATED to famous and interesting people. My first cousins are the lead singers of the Arcade Fire...(up for album of the year this year).

Travel Much? What's the farthest you've been from home (Kaysville)? And, where is your favorite place to go? Give us your best travel tip.

The Smith family has traveled quite a bit and we especially enjoy visiting national parks. However, the more I travel, the more I realize what an amazing place my home state of Utah is. Our favorite vacations are coming home, visiting with family and showing our children the beauties and wonders of Utah. However, the longer I live away from Utah the more I am amused by what a really unique place it is. On the drive from my in-laws house in American Fork to my mother's house in Farmington I pass billboards that advertise both "knee length shorts" and "breast augmentation". I wonder what first time visitors to Utah think. The motto should be "Welcome to Utah! Please enjoy our large breasts, but don't try to look at our knees!"

Besides work and family, what occupies your time? What do you enjoy doing?

Is there any time left after work and family...oh yes, there is church!

I still play the harp. I really enjoy reading, but get frustrated since I don't have enough time. I run and do yoga and pilates but I hate's a necessary evil. A really happy night for me is when we have nowhere to go and my husband and I sneak to the basement and watch "24" or "Glee" (and by the way, I'm still waiting for the Glee choir to sing "Past Time with Good Company").

Mostly for fun I go to my children's basketball games. My mother gave my high school-aged son a Davis High t-shirt for Christmas that says "Proud sponsor of the D-ette's" on the back and I had to explain to him what a D-ette sad is that? I told him he should wear it under his basketball jersey for good luck and he does... which makes me proud.

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I never did go professional with my clogging.

It's been 20 years since we've all been together. What have you learned over the years? Do you have any advice or words of wisdom to share?

I have learned that we had a really unique experience...(not everyone I meet LOVED high school). I think we were for the most part beautifully sheltered from the world around us. We had a lot of fun participating in wholesome activities and we had an abundance of positive influences around us.


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Alysa Rey Smith has a birthday today.
Sep 20, 2022 at 2:33 AM
Alysa Rey Smith has a birthday today.
Sep 20, 2021 at 2:33 AM
Alysa Rey Smith has a birthday today.
Sep 20, 2020 at 2:33 AM
Alysa Rey Smith has a birthday today.
Sep 20, 2019 at 2:33 AM
Alysa Rey Smith has a birthday today.
Sep 20, 2018 at 2:33 AM
Alysa Rey Smith has a birthday today.
Sep 20, 2017 at 2:33 AM
Alysa Rey Smith has a birthday today.
Sep 20, 2016 at 2:33 AM
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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:09 PM