In Memory

Larry Hess

Larry Hess

Lawrence Eugene Hess was born April 18, 1954 and passed away November 14, 1987 in Kingwood, TX. He is buried in the Kaysville Cemetary.  He married Krismas Holliday in 1975.

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08/16/12 09:59 PM #1    

Kris Holliday (Hess Adams)

Seems like yesterday. His 5 sons have his sense of humor. And grandpa and grandma Hess have been a huge part of our life. They love Tom and have treated TJ as their own. Attending all his games in Preston Idaho.

i have been blessed with two wonderful husbands. I still think Larry picked Tom out for me.  Kris

08/16/12 11:38 PM #2    

Colleen Tanner (Clark)

Larry was one of my best friends and someone I loved to listen to, no matter what he was talking about.  On many a double date, he teased me mercilessly and made me laugh harder than anyone I knew!  Mostly, though, we had long talks about serious things like love, the future, families and creating meaning in our lives.  He was solid gold.  

I will never forget his BandAid shirt and our short but memorable conversation the first day I saw him wearing it....

"Hey, a giant band-aid!  What's the matter big guy, do you have a broken heart?"

He chuckled and then, very seriously, said in a quiet voice "You're the only one who sees the BandAid".

Wow.  I felt like a genius at that moment.   Did any of you see it?   (In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, take a close look at his Dbook pictures - he wore it at least once a week, I swear, and it's in the book.  It was a gross-looking flesh-colored collar shirt with a splash of white dots across the chest on a slant... I think he won it in a giveaway somewhere).

Larry had a way of very gently inviting you to question your views and broaden your perspective on life.   I remember hanging out at his house one day when Louenda, Woody and all the siblings were there.  For shrimpy little me, it was  the Land of the Giants.   They all seemed huge  - in size and in spirit - and I was a little intimidated by that and the  pure chaotic bliss they produced constantly... when I left, my face hurt from laughing so much.  Larry noticed and made a little comment about how much fun they had had scaring me to death.   As tight a group as the Hesses were, they always made room for one more.   Priceless.  

Larry's gift was to make us all feel we belonged together.   We still do.   

08/17/12 03:46 AM #3    

Aleta Gatrell (Grandy)

Larry Hess was "my" football player in Pro Schola.  I decorated his locker at school on game days.  Once I baked a cake and had my mom decorate it with a Viking ship, since we were playing Viewmont that night, and had it delivered to him in class.  I even went to his house one night before a game and, with his mom's permission, put balloons all over his bedroom.  That meant a lot of balloon blowing!  No one I knew put helium in balloons back then.

In one football game, Larry picked up a fumble and ran full speed for the end zone.  The crowd was yelling and screaming like crazy.  Problem was, he ran the wrong direction.  I don't remember if he scored for the opposition or realized his error and stopped.  Maybe he was tackled by a fellow Dart?  Still, he took it all in stride (pun acknowledged) and continued being one of the neatest guys at school.

Strange coincidences: Larry and Kris moved to the same ward we had lived in, in Houston, before we moved to England.  Then they moved to England while we were living there, but we never made contact.  Since then, I've learned that David Kirkham was also in England during that time.  He met up with Larry and Kris while they were there.  I learned from Doug and Joyce Stewart about Larry's illness and subsequent passing.

Kris, I've wondered what became of you.  On your memoriam page you mentioned that you married a(nother) great guy.  I am so happy for you!  Larry, RIP 'till we meet again.

09/08/22 06:01 AM #4    

Diane Butler (Christensen)

My son-in-law Sam Hatch was best friends with one of Larry and Kris' sons -- in Preston, ID. Small world.

I had a secret crush on Larry and was very flattered when spoke to me for quite a while on graduation night about my talk earlier that day. He had a sincerity about him that made people trust him.

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