In Memory

David Engstrom VIEW PROFILE

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03/27/15 05:39 PM #1    

Michael Vanbendegom

I remember Dave very well. He and I knew each other since we were 8 and in scouts together. I spent some time reminiscing with him about 4 yrs ago in Silver Lake where he was the judge and I was paying a fine for speeding. One of the good guys that come into our lives.  Mike VanBendegom



03/28/15 08:48 AM #2    

Gary Anderson

I also remember David.  He lived a block away from me.  His address was probably 6704-35th Avenue.  He was near Thompson Brickyard, Phillipson Woodcraft and the KYF Outpost.  We went to Roosevelt, McKinley & Bradford/Tremper together.  His mother was one of my Cub Scout "Den Mothers".  (Pack 24, sponsored by Coopers.)  We were in Miss Meyer's 5th grade class at Roosevelt together.  He consistently was recognized by Miss Meyer for his handwriting and test scores.  I think he had 2 brothers, Bruce and Gary.  I last saw David at our 40th (?) reunion.  I met his wife.  I believe that they owned a bar in Silver Lake.  RIP, David.

03/29/15 03:37 PM #3    

Linda Hees (Siepert)

Another memory of David from Miss Meyer's class. She trusted David to block out Hardford Insurance Company from the coloring books and fire hats we all received. She recognized his strong character at an early age. That memory came back to me one year when I was teaching and handed out those same items to my students.

03/30/15 10:51 AM #4    

Dick Evenson

I went to school with Dave from grade school to junior high and high school. I remember him as a great guy with the most incredible handwriting. Because of our last names, we were always seated near one another. I'm sorry to learn of his passing. Like the other classmates we've lost, way too young. RIP Dave.

03/30/15 12:27 PM #5    

Susan Hayek (Shaw)

David and I dated some during high school.  Many of these "dates" were Luther League (Trinity Lutheran) events or Scouting events (he was a Boy Scout and I was a Girl Scout through high school).  David took leadership positions in Scouting and at church. He was also in the audio-visual club -- remember when movies had to be threaded on a projector?   Susan Hayek Shaw



08/18/15 08:37 AM #6    

James Sorensen

I was also a "projector pusher" (That honor got you an elevator key...a "legal" elevator key, that is!) and remember Dave from that and other classes.  I don't think I would have remembered it except for Sue Hayek's comments! 

It's funny that for the last 50 years I have not given a lot of through to those in my HS class figuring that they would not remember me, or me them but seeing this note on David has shaken those memories loose.

Jim Sorensen

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