East Kentwood High School
Class of 1970
Dear Classmate,
What a great time we had at our 50th High School Reunion! It was great reconnecting with classmates and friends! What a privilege it was for us to host our Class for this event ~ classmates came from states all over the country!
PICTURES OF THE REUNION HAVE BEEN POSTED! Simply click on the first link on top of the left column {{<<}} entitled "50TH REUNION EVENT PICTURES"! We went through many, many pictures! You'll find pictures of the Mixer, Golf Outing, and the Reunion Dinner, as well as set up the day before.
If you have ANY pictures of the weekend, particularly the FireRock Grille Mixer, please contact us and let us know. We would love to include them in the Gallery!
What a fun time we had! Until next time, we hope you enjoy the Photo Gallery!
** Please Note: If you are a classmate and you don't see your name when attempting to join the KHS Class of 1970 website, please notify us. Thank you.