East Forsyth High School, Kernersville, NC - Home of the Eagles
Class Of 1973
Stan Stigall
Stan's Latest Interactions
Mrs. Ross was a true southern lady. .RIP. Prayers for you family.
Sorry to hear of your mothers passing . It,s never pleasant.But wow what a blessing to have moms and dads like your,s and mine.A life well lived.RIP
Prayers for you and your family.I remember many good times and Thanksgiving meals with you guys at Mabel and Zeb.s
Your Dad and Mom came to see my group THE LEGACY MOTOWN REVUE last yearat
The Barn Dinner Theater with thei church group.It was so good seeing Mr. Boone,What a great and good man.He told me you and your family was doing well I will always remember your Dad taking our picture on graduation night 1973.Best wishes for you and your daughter.Check our group out at thelegacymotownrevue.com
Thanks for celebrating your anniversary with us at THE TWISTED OAK.I was delighted that you and Bill could see what I,ve been doing for the last forty years are so. Great seeing you guys.
I certainly agree with Diann.I,ve only meet a hand full of people like Mrs.Maxine Blackwell.A truley caring,respectful and loving person of all she meet. A grest role model for all .Stan Stigall